Which preposition to use with steeple

of Occurrences 52%

The masts looked frightfully tall,but they were not so tall as the steeple of our old yellow meeting-house.

in Occurrences 17%

Fuller asserts "when the vicinage in Kent met to consult about the inundation of the Goodwin Sands (date not given) and what might be the cause thereof, an old man imputed it to the building of Tenterden steeple in this county; for these sands, said he, were firm sands before that steeple was built, which ever since were overflown with sea-water.

on Occurrences 6%

Why, then, so truly came not they into this wood, but took over the lawns, and left Winnowe steeple on the left hand.

to Occurrences 5%

Charley Saunders lived in that next house in the picture, and he had a martin-box, with a steeple to it; but his father gave fencing-lessons, and was very rich.

at Occurrences 4%

Lacking as it is in almost all material antiquity, it has little that is beautiful to show us, a fine church with a noble tower that has been rather absurdly compared with the Angel Steeple at Canterburynothing moreand its history is almost as meagre.

with Occurrences 3%

" There is no more looking up at Saint Cow's steeple with a MCLAUGHLIN on it now.

above Occurrences 1%

" At these words the abominable Rougemont, the bloody Rougemont, arose before Mathieu's eyes, rearing its peaceful steeple above the low plain, with its cemetery paved with little Parisians, where wild flowers bloomed and hid the victims of so many murders.

without Occurrences 1%

Yes, or a fair-built steeple without bells. MAL.

before Occurrences 1%

At the end he, too, sat thoughtfully a few moments, his finger tips neatly matched in church steeples before him.

for Occurrences 1%

"I shall buy a cake pan with a steeple for my mother, and a hairbrush for my father, for his hairs stick up so straight and stiff.

like Occurrences 1%

I could see, through the faint haze of smoke, the innumerable roofs chimney-set, the narrow roadways, stippled with people and conveyances, the little specks of squares, and the church steeples like thorns sticking out of the fabric.

over Occurrences 1%

Everyone of these weathercocks crows there on the tip top of the steeple over each town or village because of an order of the Pope.

unto Occurrences 1%

Were I a herald fair and fit So featly for to limn As though I'd learnt the lore of it Among the seraphim, I'd leave the schools to clerkly people And walk, as dawn begins, From steeple unto distant steeple, And paint the signs of inns.

Which preposition to use with  steeple