Which preposition to use with stem

of Occurrences 280%

It resembles somewhat the wild lily in shape, growing upon a tall, strong stem, almost like the stem of the flag.

to Occurrences 63%

Then the sky swiftly cleared, and with the clearing there rose a great cry of amaze from stem to stern of the Wolverine.

in Occurrences 29%

Thus the mixed heap of spores, leaves, and stems in the coal- forest would be persistently searched by the long-continued action of air and rain; the leaves and stems would gradually be reduced to little but their carbon, or, in other words, to the condition of mineral charcoal in which we find them; while the spores and sporangia remained as a comparatively unaltered and compact residuum.

from Occurrences 21%

The seat of its vitality is said to be in the point or spot called the neck, which separates the stem from the root.

with Occurrences 16%

Then he came back, trimming away the roots and tender stems with his sword as quietly as if he had done nought to speak of.

on Occurrences 16%

Nevertheless, man, as a rule, is far more removed from the money-getting mania in Italy, than in almost any other portion of the Christian world; and this merely because the time of her wealth and power has gone by, leaving in its train a thousand fruits, that would seem to be the most savoury, as the stem on which they grew would appear to be approaching its decay.

into Occurrences 10%

Reaching up his hand he began to feel the smooth lovely fruit, when, being very ripe, it came off its stem into his hand.

for Occurrences 8%

Put small pieces of parsley-stems for stalks, and serve with, rolled bacon cut very thin.

by Occurrences 5%

The foot of the cup is an emerald, flat on the bottom and joined to the stem by a ferrule of transparent enamel.

as Occurrences 5%

Generally, every fruit, on ripening, and just before it falls, when it commences a more independent and individual existence, requiring less nourishment from any source, and that not so much from the earth through its stem as from the sun and air, acquires a bright tint.

at Occurrences 5%

The young fellow stopped the machine, jumped down, and picked up the coarse little handkerchief which showed a bit of drooping green stem at one end and a glimpse of pink at the other.

between Occurrences 4%

The leaves are produced at certain definite points called nodes, and the portions of stem between these points are internodes.

over Occurrences 4%

It springs up fresh and clean from the earth itself, and spreads its clinging viny stems over the hospitable wild balsam and golden rod.

than Occurrences 3%

It is very longnearly twice as long as this page and looks much more like a stem than a seed-pod.

off Occurrences 3%

I am going to jerk the stems off of berries, chop the pits out of cherries, and skin peaches.

like Occurrences 3%

For near a hundred feet above the eye, the even round trunk was branchless, and then commenced the dark-green masses of foliage, which clung around the stem like smoke ascending in wreaths.

out Occurrences 3%

I've been afraid she'd jerk the stem out of her.

about Occurrences 2%

He talked on, therefore, at great length, while I merely leaned back in my chair with my eyes shut, and amused myself with munching raisins and filiping the stems about the room.

above Occurrences 2%

(4) Plunge a cut branch immediately into a colored solution, such as aniline red, and after a time make sections in the stem above the liquid to see what tissues have been stained.

after Occurrences 2%

How many leaves are there at each joint of stem after the first pair? How do they differ from the first pair? SUNFLOWER OR SQUASH.

before Occurrences 2%

In the Beech we make one turn of the stem before reaching the third leaf which stands over the first.

through Occurrences 2%

If we consider them all as growing out of the consciousness as their root, language is the leaf, music is the flower; but when the eyes meet and search each other, it is the uncovering of the blanched stem through which the whole life runs, but which has never taken color or form from the sunlight.

towards Occurrences 2%

If two stalks twining in opposite directions be slit as above described, the side of the stem towards which each stalk is bent will spring back more than the other, showing the tension to be greater on that side.

beneath Occurrences 1%

In the rich valley the grapes grew full and dark, and the last figs cracked with full sweetness in the sun, the pears grew golden, and the apples red, and all the green silver of the olive groves was dotted through and through its shade, with myriad millions of dull green points, where the oil-fruit hung by little stems beneath the leaves.

below Occurrences 1%

Running down the stem below the point of insertion, as the bases of some pinnæ.

Which preposition to use with  stem