Which preposition to use with sutherland

for Occurrences 1%

The Earls of Sutherland for many generations lie interred within the walls of this ancient church.

in Occurrences 1%

Whilst here, a seaman named Forbes (Forby, in the Muster Roll) Sutherland, died of consumption, from which he had suffered throughout the voyage, was buried on shore, and the point named Point Sutherland in his memory.

of Occurrences 1%

I give them in his own words:"My father, the late Rev. Dr. Bethune, minister of Dornoch, was on friendly terms with a fine old soldier, the late Colonel Alexander Sutherland of Calmaly and Braegrudy, in Sutherlandshire, who was lieutenant-colonel of the 'Local Militia,' and who used occasionally, in his word of command, to break out with a Gaelic phrase to the men, much to the amusement of bystanders.

on Occurrences 1%

A circumstantial relation, however, having been sent by another conveyance to the Trustees, was attested and confirmed by Lieutenant Sutherland on his arrival in London; and was published in the London Gazette of December 25th, and thence transferred into the Gentleman's Magazine, for 1742, p. 693, and was afterwards repeated in the London Magazine for 1758, p. 79.

Which preposition to use with  sutherland