Which preposition to use with swallowing

of Occurrences 55%

"Take a swallow of this," he said, and Rogers obeyed mechanically, still staring at him over the rim of the glass, "How do you feel?" "Pretty weak," Rogers answered, almost in a whisper.

in Occurrences 46%

It was swallowed in an instant, and then, as Wesley entered, the door was closed.

with Occurrences 29%

" She clasped her hands to her bare throat, swallowing with effort.

from Occurrences 16%

" More is said after this; but the speakers have strolled to the other side of the Gospeler's house, and their words cannot be distinguished Mr. BUMSTEAD closes his umbrella with such suddenness and violence as to nearly pull off the head of MCLAUGHLIN; drives his own hat further upon his nose with a sounding blow; takes several wild swallows from his antique flask; eats two cloves, and chuckles hoarsely to himself for some minutes.

at Occurrences 13%

Dan swallowed at something hard in his throat, then opened his lips to speak.

without Occurrences 11%

In such cases, I have known it to do mischief; perhaps because it was swallowed without much chewing.

on Occurrences 6%

Yon doleful cry is not the note of the swallow on the carved rafters, nor the song of the variegated bird upon the blossoming tree.

of Occurrences 6%

They called him Billy, and the two events of his early life were the opening of his eyes and the swallowing of his muslin rag.

like Occurrences 5%

If these fail, a dervish is called in, and writes out charms, or forms of prayer, on bits of paper, which are rolled up and swallowed like pills.

for Occurrences 5%

I would exchange these sea-gulls for swans, and scud a swallow for ever about the banks of Thamesis.

to Occurrences 5%

Satan rose like a swallow to the leap.

along Occurrences 3%

Many have admired the felicity of the description and the romance of the sentiment in this stanza from Love in the Valley: "Shy as the squirrel and wayward as the swallow, Swift as the swallow along the river's light Circleting the surface to meet his mirrored winglets, Fleeter she seems in her stay than in her flight.

as Occurrences 3%

The food, having been well chewed and mixed with saliva, is now ready to be swallowed as a soft, pasty mass.

down Occurrences 3%

"That is the last we shall see of him," The grizzled captain grinned, As the little man skimmed down the hill, Like a swallow down the wind.

during Occurrences 2%

As she had not swallowed during the day, he was surprised upon applying a sponge wet in water to her lips to find that she swallowed rather eagerly and without any difficulty until she had taken several drops.

into Occurrences 2%

"On the border of Montfaucon I saw one of these groups disappear at one blow, as if they had been swallowed into a marsh.

over Occurrences 2%

He did not seek to guide Queenie, but sat, or rather lay, in the saddle and on her neck, as she skimmed like a swallow over the undulating prairie.

through Occurrences 2%

On this thought which flew into her mind like a swift swallow through an open window, her lethargy fled and in its place came nervous haste; a feverish impatience which brought her with a bound out of bed, flushed and eager.

after Occurrences 2%

Each one would dig into the kettle with his fork, and bringing out a big chunk would crowd as much as possible into his mouth, and holding it there with his teeth would cut off with his hunting knife a liberal portion, which he would swallow after a munch or two.

under Occurrences 2%

" These are a few of the open-air spirits; the more domestic of their tribe gather within-doors, plentiful as swallows under southern eaves.

by Occurrences 2%

His imagination, excited by the frequent reading of novels of travel, had made him conceive a type of heroic, gallant, dashing sailora regular swash-buckler capable of swallowing by the pitcherful the most rousing drinks without moving an eyelid.

before Occurrences 1%

He realized that something which was rising in his throat must be crushed back and swallowed before speech would be possible.

about Occurrences 1%

The Wingfolds were like swallows about her, never folding their wings of ministry, but not haunting her with bodily visitation.

by Occurrences 1%

PROGNE, the sister of Philomela and wife of Tereus, changed into a swallow by the gods.

near Occurrences 1%

Before he left England he wrote poems, entitled, Steps to the Temple; and Wood says, "That he led his life in St. Mary's church near to Peterhouse, where he lodged under Tertullian's roof of angels; there he made his nest more glad than David's swallow near the house of God, where like a primitive saint he offered more prayers in the night than others usually offer in the day.

Which preposition to use with  swallowing