Which preposition to use with tableaux

for Occurrences 4%

His book would not be read if he had done otherwise, if, in order to show where an education as perilous as that of Madame Bovary can lead, he had not been prodigal with the fascinating images and the powerful tableaux for which he is reproached.

in Occurrences 4%

The morning after the ball here no one came down till lunch, and in the afternoon Lady Doraine suggested we should have some tableaux in the evening, and so we were busy all the time arranging them.

of Occurrences 3%

I retired upon the days of my boyhood, my legs and feet becoming clairvoyant of the corduroys and highlows of that happy period of my existence, as the revolving curls of pale smoke exhibited to me, with marvellous fidelity, many quaint successive tableaux of the old familiar scenes of home,sentimental, some of them,comic, others,like the domestic incidents revealed with exaggerations on the hazy field of a magic-lantern.

at Occurrences 1%

[Illustration: Lady (displaying costume in which she is to appear as the Queen of Sheba in "Biblical Beauties" tableaux at charity matinée).

Which preposition to use with  tableaux