Which preposition to use with tells

of Occurrences 2326%

Beyond these, there was nothing to tell of the things that were hidden beneath.

in Occurrences 718%

And there seated in the opening of our little tent, I began the strange tale of The House on the Borderland (for such was the title of the MS.); this is told in the following pages.

about Occurrences 509%

Even last yearthe Oyamahe told about her three days ahead.

to Occurrences 495%

I cannot refrain from relating a piquant little anecdote told to me by a French colleague, who had occasion to make an arrest, and came unexpectedly on his man.

on Occurrences 194%

It's telling on you.

with Occurrences 181%

Mrs Ottley listened imperturbably to Edith's story, a somewhat incoherent concoction, but told with dash and decision, that Bruce had been ordered away for a sea-voyage for fear of a nervous breakdown.

by Occurrences 162%

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was strung high, and guessed that his triumph needed an audience.

at Occurrences 148%

In 1743 he set out from Epworth to Grimsby; but was told at the ferry he could not cross the Trent owing to the storm.

from Occurrences 101%

It may come, but it shall be hoisted on the Rhine, and, helpless tide waiters, we cannot tell from which side it shall come.

ABOUT Occurrences 62%


for Occurrences 61%

" New York American:"'America's National Game' tells for the first time the history of the national game of base ball.

under Occurrences 38%

Nor were there any tales to be told under the tree.

against Occurrences 38%

"It is now pretty generally admitted," says the author of Contemporary Evolution, "with regard to Christianity and theism that the arguments really telling against the first, are in their logical consequences fatal also to the second, and that a Deus Unus, Remunerator once admitted, an antecedent probability for a revelation must be conceded.

as Occurrences 33%

"Once upon a time there was a little piggy and he was right in a big green and white fire and he didn't hurt hisself, and (told as a tremendous secret) he touched a fire with his handie.

OF Occurrences 26%


without Occurrences 24%

He wants to be told without askingtold, I mean, that each of the stories, those that have come to him, is a fraud and a libel.

unto Occurrences 18%

And this was told unto the king.

BEFORE Occurrences 11%

Robin Hood and the Tinker NOW IT WAS TOLD BEFORE how two hundred pounds were set upon Robin Hood's head, and how the Sheriff of Nottingham swore that he himself would seize Robin, both because he would fain have the two hundred pounds and because the slain man was a kinsman of his own.

vs Occurrences 10%

You told vs of some suite.

than Occurrences 9%

But there is no dog story better told than this and none that appeals more to our deeper sympathies.

over Occurrences 8%

General Godwin was told over the telephone that the infantry attack was held up and that his brigade would advance to take Mughar.

out Occurrences 7%

They do not tell out of school.

within Occurrences 5%

In sand the Ford cars have performed wonderful feats, but remarkable as was the record of that cheap American car with usit helped us very considerably to win the waryou could never tell within hours how long a journey would take off the wire roads.

through Occurrences 5%

After the engagement, this story was told through the victorious ranks by the witnesses of her valor, and a medal was awarded the child by acclamation.

ye Occurrences 4%

But I mean what I'm telling ye, pard; I'm letting them down mighty easy, Perhaps they may think it is hard.

Which preposition to use with  tells