Which preposition to use with temptations

of Occurrences 350%

Weary men and women bear their burdens thither; triumphant souls bring shining faces and uplifted brows; love and dreams cluster round the church, and the life of the soul, silent and hidden, is subtly acted upon by persuasions and convictions that rule the heart amid the fiercest storms and temptations of the world.

to Occurrences 170%

I ought to have taken it to the house at once butbut it was a temptation to me to keep it till I could give it back to you like this.

in Occurrences 54%

Wesley held the temptation in his hand until he had lured the dog into a large closet communicating with the bedroom by a locked door.

for Occurrences 26%

What a temptation for a Boche soldier to fire a shot that will at once unloose pillage and massacre!

from Occurrences 23%

A moment afterwards, he tossed the temptation from him indignantly: but back it came.

with Occurrences 9%

He knew nothing of the danger in which this woman stood, of the temptation with which she was wrestling.

as Occurrences 8%

The lecturer the night before had felt his soul strangely stirred at the sight of her glowing face, and the plate when it passed her seat had borne a shining gold piece, but perhaps she had not as many temptations as Marion and Isabelle.

under Occurrences 7%

I am alive, too, to the temptation under summary procedure of various kinds, to the danger of mistaking a headstrong exercise of force for energy.

by Occurrences 7%

In her first search Esther had not exhausted the hiding places of the poison and, to retain the temptation by her, Mary had lied and lied again.

at Occurrences 6%

and she knew it, but for the life of her she could not have resisted the temptation at that moment.

out Occurrences 5%

You know I'm not irreverent; I might have been, but this has taken all of the temptation out of me.

than Occurrences 5%

Some fancy that the life of a deaconess, or of any one similarly set apart, must be much more free from temptation than that of any ordinary person.

like Occurrences 4%

They are temptations like our Lord's temptations.

without Occurrences 3%

Then he inquired into my religious condition with so much fatherly consideration that I could take no offence, but told him honestly that I was little of a partisan, finding it hard enough to keep my own feet from temptation without judging others.

before Occurrences 3%

She told him allthat they had no friend or relativeand that she sought a home in some remote place, where the temptation before which her grandfather had fallen would never enter, and her late sorrows and distresses could have no place.

about Occurrences 3%

But with much in his horoscope which promises many blessings, there is one evil influence strongly predominant, which threatens to subject him to an unhallowed and unhappy temptation about the time when he shall attain the age of twenty-one, which period, the constellations intimate, will be the crisis of his fate.

on Occurrences 3%

She revolved in her mind his conduct on various occasions, and wondered how one who could behave so well in common, could thus yield to temptation on a particular occasion.

of Occurrences 2%

2. The Limitations and Temptations of Joseph's Early Life.

above Occurrences 2%

What a new existence; what a temptation above Lucifer's!

against Occurrences 2%

It is not as though the advocates of the "flight" policy in regard to temptations against this particular virtue were ignorant of the general principle which undoubtedly holds as regards all other temptations, and bids us turn and face the dog that barks at our heels.

along Occurrences 2%

On receiving the package, Bessie looked at the corset and said, "Mama, shall I wear it?" Mrs. Worthington looked anxiously at her daughter; for she knew that Bessie would have strong temptations along this line, as she did not have a pretty form, and was growing rapidly.

within Occurrences 2%

The growing accessibility of towns brings these temptations within the reach of all.

through Occurrences 1%

If Arthur had been weak, he would have put aside the temptation through fear of the consequences of failure.

into Occurrences 1%

Then a third time the trumpet sounded; the seals were taken off all pulses; life, and the frenzy of life, tore into their channels again; again the choir burst forth in sunny grandeur, as from the muffling of storms and darkness; again the thunderings of our horses carried temptation into the graves.

toward Occurrences 1%

Never before, it is true, have there been so wide opportunities for material well-being; but, on the other hand, never before have there been such universal temptations toward a low and sensual ideal.

Which preposition to use with  temptations