Which preposition to use with ticket

for Occurrences 162%

Games of skill, very thorough shopping or keeping a bankbook, or selling tickets for tram or train, represent the kind of everyday problem that should be the centre of the arithmetic work at this transition stage; and out of the necessities of these problems the abstract and semi-abstract work should come, but it should never precede the real work.

to Occurrences 110%

In my wanderings about the town I heard also of several instances of poor people holding relief tickets, who, upon meeting with some temporary employment, have returned their tickets to the committee for the benefit of those less fortunate than themselves.

in Occurrences 57%

" "No doubt he got his ticket in the ordinary way," Morriston said.

of Occurrences 55%

Country editors, who, before speculating in tickets of admission, were without shoes to their feet, have been suddenly converted into haughty despots and bloated aristocrats by their prodigious gains.

at Occurrences 44%

Also similar Tickets at reduced rates, through | | Lake Superior, enabling travelers to visit the celebrated | | Iron Mountains and Copper Mines of that region.

from Occurrences 30%

First they will need to purchase a canoe, about $35 or less; first-class ticket from Hamilton to Edmonton, $71.40; second class, ditto, $40.90; cost of food at Edmonton for three men for two months (should consist of pork, flour, tea and baking-powder), $35; freight on canoe to Edmonton, $23.

on Occurrences 22%

"Yes," the Colonel admitted, "I'd give five hundred dollars for a ticket on that steamer.

with Occurrences 22%

Not so very long ago we believed, or made semblance of belief, that it is useless to put a high price upon a ticket with the object of securing that selectness for which the high-born crave.

as Occurrences 8%

General Harrison was a Whig; and Mr. Lincoln's name was on the Whig ticket as a candidate for presidential elector in his state.

by Occurrences 5%

I solved the problem of tickets by my genius so superbe.

into Occurrences 3%

I threw away the addresses when I left San Francisco and tucked my tickets into it.

without Occurrences 2%

The girl fed him a pink ticket without looking up.

over Occurrences 2%

The intent is to servenot to pull you this way and that, and sell you a ticket over a certain road.

under Occurrences 2%

" When I explained that the more false others were to a party or principle, the more need there was for him to be true, he took the bills and managed the meeting; but running a Republican ticket under a Republican administration was not so easy as running the same ticket under Buchanan.

via Occurrences 2%

V WHAT HAPPENED IN THE NIGHT Walking down Fifth Avenue, after buying tickets via Washington and New Orleans to Los Angeles, "Mrs. May" happened to see a poster advertising a recital by a violinist she had always contrived to miss.

out Occurrences 1%

Hence Mr. Goldwin Smith's splenetic remark, 'People have no more right to novels than to theatre-tickets out of the taxes.' Quite true; no more they haveor to public gardens or to beautiful pictures or to anything save to peep through the railings and down the areas of Mr. Gradgrind's fine new house in Park Lane.

about Occurrences 1%

She could not object, but it seemed an unworthy end for what had cost her so much money and pains to procure, and it was not pleasant to see Mrs. Duncombe and Miss Moy hawking the tickets about, like regular touters, nor the most beautiful things drawn by the most vulgar and tasteless people.

through Occurrences 1%

"Had we got our tickets through COOK, and asked him to secure our places in the train?" he inquired.

along Occurrences 1%

If he had, he would have had the two tickets along with the drawing-room check.

after Occurrences 1%

"I voted de 'publican ticket after de surrender, but I didn' bother wid no politics.

between Occurrences 1%

But of papers that could identify the man there was nothingin the shape of paper or its like there was not one scrap in all the clothing, except the return half of a railway ticket between Peebles and Coldstream, and a bit of a torn bill-head giving the name and address of a tradesman in Dundee.

behind Occurrences 1%

The Venus of Milo stood on a bracket, with a riding-whip in her arms, and a bundle of working society tickets behind her, and her vis-a-vis, the Faun of Praxiteles, was capped by a glove with one finger pointing upwards, and had a ball of worsted tangled about his legs; but further observation was hindered by the man-servant's voice at the outer door, "Master Ducky, where are you?

before Occurrences 1%

He found that it was necessary, in order to enter the district, to pass through a gate in a high pale-fence, and, to his surprise, he was informed that he must buy a ticket before being allowed to proceed.

Which preposition to use with  ticket