Which preposition to use with tracings

of Occurrences 41%

We will glance over them, and in doing so will view them, not merely as signatures, but also as permanently-recorded tracings of Dickens's nerve muscular actionof his gesture.

in Occurrences 4%

They are too many and too swift; how many you would not believe without seeing the footprint tracings in the sand.

on Occurrences 2%

I picked one up and examined the tracing on the barrel, never noticing that it was pointing straight up at my head, until I felt Nelson's iron grip upon my wrist, while he took it from my hand.

for Occurrences 1%

He fixes only a few results, he dots a curve and then interpolates, he substitutes a tracing for a reality.

from Occurrences 1%

The bridge was broad with a gold lining-plate, shaped as shown by the enclosed tracing from the diagram on the prescription.

Which preposition to use with  tracings