Which preposition to use with undisturbed

in Occurrences 40%

So to this day, he lies there undisturbed in the heart of the wilderness, in a grave which no man knows.

for Occurrences 30%

I must have lain there undisturbed for some time.

at Occurrences 10%

"It is safe enough to leave him undisturbed at present with Cole on guard.

until Occurrences 7%

The hours thus passed pleasantly away; and, except when Kevimâ, joined us at the evening meal, adding a new and unexpected pleasure to Eveena's natural delight in this sudden reunion, we remained undisturbed until a very low electric signal, sounding apparently through several chambers at once, recalled Esmo's mind to the duties before him.

in Occurrences 7%

Then she had prized and coveted the solitude of a summer afternoon on the lawn, and had stolen away to read and dream undisturbed in the shadow of the ilex.

by Occurrences 5%

We had an Italian friend, Count A., who went with us sometimes, and he was very debrouillard, made himself delightful at once to the fermiere and got whatever he wantedchairs and tables set out on the grass, with all the cows and colts and chickens walking about quite undisturbed by the unusual sights and sounds.

With Occurrences 4%

The knight Sanpeur was on his battlements, Silvered with light from the full summer moon, And heard his seneschal with loud replies Denying entrance, as his orders were; He would be left alone and undisturbed With memory and thought of Gwendolaine.

on Occurrences 4%

The dust and the cobwebs were undisturbed on the huge windows.

to Occurrences 3%

We devote our attention undisturbed to our environment, to which we now feel ourselves superior by being able to view it in an objective and disinterested fashion, instead of being oppressed by it, as before.

as Occurrences 3%

Tom Chist gazed around as though expecting to see some sign of the tragedy, but the space was as smooth and as undisturbed as a floor, excepting where, midway across it, Parson Jones who was now stooping over something on the ground, had trampled it all around about.

among Occurrences 2%

They had no children's books, but their eager minds "browsed undisturbed among the wholesome pasturage of English literature," as Charles Lamb expressed it.

during Occurrences 2%

That last bottle of '48 port, with the aid of a powerful soporific, ensured that Mr. Shipman would sleep undisturbed during the night.

from Occurrences 2%

At least the trade caravans were able to travel undisturbed from and to China through Turkestan.

through Occurrences 2%

As the unknown howl trembled faintly in the air Noel, who had slept undisturbed through all the clamor of the dogs, stirred uneasily by the foremast.

by Occurrences 1%

All was now silence around them, the enemy batteries having ceased sending over even occasional shells; and they were able to enjoy a few hours of rest undisturbed by having the roof of their shelter damaged by a chance explosion.

as Occurrences 1%

Since I am leaving here for many moons Let all be undisturbed as 'twas before; Of this affair let every trace be gone.

about Occurrences 1%

Love me always, Cousin Madeline, and let me ramble undisturbed about your earthly home; but, mind!

on Occurrences 1%

And a stupid public reads the worthless trash written by these fellows for no other reason than that it has been printed to-day, while it leaves the works of great thinkers undisturbed on the bookshelves.

under Occurrences 1%

And so the dream lay undisturbed under her eyelashes, and she breasted the slope of the big mountain with a buoyant step, oblivious of fatigue.

for Occurrences 1%

By stretching herself up to her full length, she succeeded in pulling down several old cobwebs that had been undisturbed for years, and while doing so, knocked down some metallic substance which fell on the floor.

at Occurrences 1%

And while he sat there, undisturbed at last, and unmolested by harsh word or savage blow, recovering health with every breath of the sea wind, the skipper came up to him, and muttered something half-like an apology.

Which preposition to use with  undisturbed