Which preposition to use with utilize

for Occurrences 51%

To call war "The Great Game" may have been all very well in the more rudimentary wars of the past; but to-day, when every horrible invention of science is conjured up and utilized for the express purpose of blowing human bodies to bits and strewing battlefields with human remains, and the human spirit itself can hardly hold up against such a process of mechanical slaughter, the term has ceased to be applicable.

in Occurrences 37%

Indeed, the tones of the "voice" of the dog are so marked, that more than any other of the voices of Nature they have been utilized in music.

as Occurrences 18%

"It's all in bed the lazy divvils is, sor," he said, with a repetition of the salute, and an appreciative eye to the good things spread out on our provision chest, which we utilized as a table.

to Occurrences 7%

The rules of tactics and strategy are perfectly useless if those who conduct the war fail to utilize to the utmost all the means at their disposal.

with Occurrences 4%

There is no other country in which the professions, trades, and other occupations are so free to them, or in which their opportunities are utilized with greater zeal, ability, and success.

by Occurrences 3%

For at Higher Crowstairs, as at all such elevated domiciles, the grand difficulty of housekeeping was an insufficiency of water; and a casual rainfall was utilized by turning out, as catchers, every utensil that the house contained.

on Occurrences 1%

To the front of his headpiece was fastened a metal badge, resembling the three-pointed arrow head utilized on old maps to indicate the north.

than Occurrences 1%

Much stronger currents could be utilized than those generated by Bell's instrument, and thus the transmitter was much more effective for longer distances.

beyond Occurrences 1%

If a canal were cut across this elbow, this splendid water-power could be utilized beyond that of any other in the country.

against Occurrences 1%

In the slogan of the allies, "the Balkan peninsula for the Balkan peoples," Austria-Hungary found a principle which could be utilized against their demands.

Which preposition to use with  utilize