Which preposition to use with vantages

of Occurrences 12%

"Nor shall ye anywhere find a doughtier fighter than Duke Ivo, nor a leader quicker to spy out the vantage of position and attack.

in Occurrences 5%

" Of the weaknesses on which the writerbent on verifying Pope's lines on Atossafrom his vantage in the ground-floor, was enabled to dilate, many are but slightly magnified.

for Occurrences 4%

There were no landmarks to hold the mind to the scene, nor, in case of battle, give the strategists points of vantage for the iron game.

on Occurrences 4%

When Pearl was taken around to the back garden, Rosie retired to a point of vantage on the sleeping-porch above, and got most of the conversation, by abandoning all scrubbing operations, and sitting very still.

to Occurrences 2%

By hook or by crook Mr. HOUSTON, "the Pirate King," must be induced or compelled to surrender his coign of vantage to the new generalissimo, who will then be able alternately to pour a broadside into the Government or to enfilade the ex-Ministers who aid and abet them.

from Occurrences 2%

An isolated hill with perpendicular sides, which Sturt had noticed for some time, now attracted his attention, as being a lofty point of vantage from which to get an extensive view to the west.

during Occurrences 1%

They posed amiably as common allies in the fight to keep the islanders from securing a single point of vantage during the year.

by Occurrences 1%

About the same time the Northmen gained a second point of vantage by seizing and fortifying a strong position where the town of Cork now stands.

before Occurrences 1%

They had been collecting since five A.M., when a party of six Jerseymen, having sold off their stock of nocturnal cabbages at Washington Market, had taken position of vantage before the house, from which they and their wagons were afterward dislodged with great effort by a squad of police.

over Occurrences 1%

Thus they fought for above an hour and in all that time neither knight gave ground or gained any vantage over the other.

at Occurrences 1%

It was therefore with a feeling of mingled annoyance and surprise that Crewe, looking down from his point of vantage at the bevy of fashionably-dressed ladies in the body of the court, recognised Mrs. Holymead, Mademoiselle Chiron and Miss Fewbanks seated side by side, engaged in earnest conversation.

Which preposition to use with  vantages