Which preposition to use with wield

in Occurrences 28%

In the year 1820 the former were triumphant, and possessed all the authority then wielded in the province.

with Occurrences 28%

But in this region the pick and shovel, once wielded with savage enthusiasm, have been laid away, and only quartz-mining is now being carried on to any considerable extent.

for Occurrences 17%

Nor can we forget with what longing eyes the Corsican barbarian who wielded for mischief the forces of France in 1805 looked across from Boulogne at the shores of the one European land that never in word or deed granted him homage.

against Occurrences 9%

In a word, that free speech and a free press would be wielded against slavery without ceasing and without restriction.

over Occurrences 9%

seemed to wield over her a strange and mysterious influence.

by Occurrences 6%

''Here is one class of men, consisting of not more than one fortieth part of the whole people, not more than one-thirtieth part of the free population, exclusively devoted to their personal interests identified with their own as slaveholders of the same associated wealth, and wielding by their votes, upon every question of government or of public policy, two-fifths of the whole power of the House.

as Occurrences 4%

The wise Pontiff, whose glory it had been to free the Church from a disgraceful yoke, proved himself worthy of the sovereign power, as much by the zeal with which he wielded as by the noble disinterestedness with which he resigned it.

at Occurrences 4%

Some persons of sound judgment declared that Village Politic had essentially contributed, under Providence, to prevent a revolution, whilst others went so far as to allege that Miss More had "wielded at will the fierce democratie of England, and stemmed the tide of misguided opinion.

without Occurrences 1%

the colors of balls, and by whom it was wielded without even the check of publicity.

among Occurrences 1%

In one respect, Rome was vastly superior to the Egyptian metropolis, and that was in the magnitude and extent of the military power which it wielded among the nations of the earth.

like Occurrences 1%

The scene was an affecting one: the boy-King, timid and trembling, surrounded by the flower of his nation's chivalry and greatness, moved with a faltering step towards the resting-place of that father who had so lately wielded like a toy the sceptre which he was himself still too impotent to bear, and whose bold spirit had been quenched while it was yet strong within him.

on Occurrences 1%

His invective was masterly, and too often perhaps merciless, and it was a weapon he was not slow to wield on occasions large and small.

than Occurrences 1%

But the license of unchecked power is dangerous, no less to those who wield than to those who suffer it; and it was peculiarly so to one of Richard's violent and impatient temper.

through Occurrences 1%

Power of Rome still wielded through the Church and the imperial jurisprudence.

to Occurrences 1%

On this point the following is the testimony of Henry Clay, himself a great orator as well as a great statesman, and one of Mr. P.'s most devoted and admiring friends: Mr. Prentiss was distinguished, as a public speaker, by a rich, chaste, and boundless imagination, the exhaustless resources of which, in beautiful language and happy illustrations, he brought to the aid of a logical power, which he wielded to a very great extent.

Which preposition to use with  wield