10 Verbs to Use for the Word 12

One of his freedmen bought for 20l. 12s.

That which costs half a crown here costs 12s.

6d., and disbursed £16 12s.

STEPHENSON, GEORGE, inventor of the locomotive, born, the son of a poor colliery engineman, at Wylam, near Newcastle; was early set to work, first as a cowherd and then as a turnip-hoer, and by 15 was earning 12s.

*** A Carmarthen man has been fined 12s.

She knows of half a dozen cases of men of forty and a little older who are living on the earnings of their daughters; there may be two girls in the family, one getting 12s.

"Yes, Sir," being the answer, Garrick invited him to breakfast the next morning, and sat to him for his bust, for which he paid Nollekens £12. 12s.

This curious and very rare volume I purchased out of Longman's celebrated catalogue of old English poetry, called 'Bib. Ang. Poet.,' where it will be found marked £2 12s.

These articles realised £723 12s.

But in the same account, under February 1st, 1500-1, one Mistress Brent receives 12s.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  12