57 Verbs to Use for the Word accompaniment

A Corporal with a magnificent voice, an operatic singer before the war, came in to sing one night, and a Private from his Battalion played his accompaniment.

The practised fishermen, for few in that disciplined church, and that obedient age, were ignorant of those solemn rites, took up the responses in a manner that must be familiar to every ear that has ever listened to the sounds of Italy, the gentle washing of the element, on which they glided, forming a soft accompaniment.

The manly voices of the sturdy Pilgrims rose in deep and solemn unison, followed by those of the women and children, and resounded along the silent coast, while the heavy urges of the receding tide kept up a hoarse and monotonous accompaniment.

Phebe had been doing her best all unconsciously to herself to help her hosts entertain, but when the singing began she stole away to the nearly empty piazza, and stood leaning by the window, enjoying the cool air and softly whistling an accompaniment to the song; and there Mr. Halloway found her.

Slip was riding a big chestnut mare down the street and humming an accompaniment to the tune she was playing with her bit.

Many of the "boys" she had not seen since the winter before, and while she worked she discussed neighborhood matters with them, the pleasing sizzle of eggs frying on a hot pan making a running accompaniment to her words.

He took from its case a violin lying upon the harpsichord and, leaning over it, he began softly the quaint accompaniment that sustains so perfectly the whimsical melodies and surprising cadences of Dr. Arne's ballad.

" Mrs. Silk laughed gaily and Mr. Wilks bellowed a gruff accompaniment.

Above, beyond the grassy tops of the cliffs, stretch deep woods, with the old pele-tower of Cresswell looking out from amongst the trees, fields many-coloured with their burden of varying crops, and wide lonely moors, where one may walk for half a day without hearing any sound save the wild screaming of sea-birds, or the whistle of the wind, with the low boom of the waves below sounding a deep-toned accompaniment.

A waltz requiring much terrific accompaniment of brass instruments pealed out its deafening strains within ten feet of them, and in no desert island could there have been less likelihood that their conversation would be overheard.

If somebody will vamp an accompaniment, I can get on very well without any music.

But perhaps you'll let me sing hurrah, Mamita?" Receiving a smile for answer, she flew to the piano, and, improvising an accompaniment to herself, she began to sing hurrah!

" Who, that has drunk this agreeable accompaniment to calapash, at the City of London Tavern, ever found themselves the worse for it?

The Guard lolls against a post, lantern at his feet, droning a fitful accompaniment to the distant mouth-organ.

Jewels flashed and brocades gleamed; a shimmering accompaniment completing the symmetry of the brilliant dance.

Then, followed the usual race-course accompaniments of cheers, squabbles, growling, laughing, betting, drinking, &c.

[Footnote 1: accompaniments or belongings; things assigned to them.]

They pulled with a will, however, but I had to forego the usual accompaniment of their voices, for the labour was tremendous, especially towards the end of our voyage, where, of course, the nearness of the sea increased the roughness of the water terribly.

In many lodges, the people held social dances, the women, dressed in their best gowns, ranged on one side, the men on the other; all sung, and three or four drummers furnished an accompaniment; the music was lively if somewhat jerky.

As you read his verses you seem to hear a musical accompaniment to the words, which runs through the very sounds of the words themselves.

Some of us in former days had moved cattle at the command of negro soldiers, with wintry winds howling an accompaniment.

But, if unable to sympathise with architectural church ornament and embellishment, how much less could they sympathise with the performance of divine service, which included such musical accompaniments as intoning, chanting, and anthems!

several poems are preceded by a line of syllables indicating their accompaniment on the teponaztli (see Introduction, p. 32).

I seemed to lack some necessary accompaniment to the act of going to sleep.

It is the kind of music which has been the practice and pleasure of their lives, and it is a fortuitous thing that now, in addition to its natural plaintiveness, the sad necessity of the times lends a tender accompaniment to their simplest melody.

57 Verbs to Use for the Word  accompaniment