4 Verbs to Use for the Word accordin

He 'lowed, speakin' in a mighty pompious manner, thet holy things wasn't to be trifled with, an' thet he had come to baptize the child accordin' to the rites o' the church.

We'd heard about your camp, and the General felt a call to preach the Gospel accordin' to Minóok down this way.

Yas, sir; 't is confusin' to him in some ways, goin' to all three schools at once-t. F' instance, Miss Alviry Sawyer, which she's a single-handed maiden lady 'bout wife's age, why, of co'se, she teaches accordin' to the old rules; an' in learnin' the child'en subtraction, f' instance, she'll tell 'em, ef they run short to borry one f'om the nex' lef' han' top figur', an' pay it back to the feller underneath him.

"I figger most natcherlists go out an' get acquainted with one grizzly, an' then they write up all grizzlies accordin' to that one.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  accordin