131 Verbs to Use for the Word actor

She made a proficiency in the French language the principal object of her education; bringing over some French actors to Vienna to instruct her in the graces of elocution, and subsequently establishing as her chief tutor a French ecclesiastic, the Abbé de Vermond, a man of extensive learning, of excellent judgment, and of most conscientious integrity.

There goes an actor.

I have seen this gifted actor, in Sir Christopher Curryin Old Dorntondiffuse a glow of sentiment which has made the pulse of a crowded theatre beat like that of one man; when he has come in aid of the pulpit, doing good to the moral heart of a people.

'Note,' continues the record, 'In this play, Mr. Otway the poet having an inclination to turn actor; Mrs. Behn gave him the King in this play for a probation part, but he being not us'd to the stage, the full house put him to such a sweat and tremendous agony, being dash'd, spoilt him for an actor.' To quote Mr. Gosse's excellent and classic essay on Otway:'The choice of the part showed the kindly tact of the shrewd Mrs. Behn.

"Are you going for a run round the town, Monsieur Claudius?" asked the actor, with a comprehensive gesture to show the vast surroundings of Samarkand.

"We once knew an actor named Absalom, and he always called himself 'A. Judson Keith.'

Now thinkyou are a stenographer with theatrical ambitions: you meet an actor and you fall in love with him, and he with you.

Not since Joe had first taken the old and broken circus actor into his employ had Ham been away more than a few hours at a time, and then Joe knew where he was.

He killed an actor in a duel, and only escaped hanging by pleading "benefit of clergy"; but he lost all his poor goods and was branded for life on his left thumb.

She had scorned intrigues and baseness, and these marked all the great actors on the stage of history in that age.

His intelligent eyes, his smooth face, his cheeks accustomed to false whiskers, his lips accustomed to false moustaches, his head accustomed to wigs red, black, or gray, bald or hairy, according to his part, everything denoted the actor made for the life of the boards.

Strolling companies of players occupy these, and between the plays the actors and actresses exhibit themselves on a stage before the theatre in all their spangled robes and false jewels, and strut and flourish about till the theatre is filled.

The scenario or skeleton is so manifestly the natural ground-work of a dramatic performance that the playwrights of the Italian commedia dell' arte wrote nothing more than a scheme of scenes, and left the actors to do the rest.

Mr. Booth rose when I announced myself, and I at once recognized the distinguished actor.

As soon as the slave has taken his station he praises the actor and at the same time looks round; then if any one calls out his master's name, the slave is immediately frightened and disturbed.

Do's and don't's of drama; 555 pointers for beginning actors and directors.

I must introduce a new actor to you, a Lord George Gordon,metamorphosed a little, too, for his family were Jacobites and Roman Catholics: he is the Lilburne of the Scottish Presbyterians, and an apostle against the Papists.

He was familiar with theatres, and had not only seen, but even criticized the great actors.

Shall we cry down a talented and promising young actor simply because he has been a minstrel, and now has the audacity to play at WALLACK'S?

No one admires a great actor in a great play more than I do, and one of the few things that ever makes me sorry my work is what it is is that I can sae seldom sit me doon in a stall in a theatre and watch a play through.

The only other object of much interest was a Pompeian fresco, representing two actors, whose attitudes and masks are so strikingly adapted to express the first scene of the "Heautontimorumenos," between Menalcas and Chremes, that it seems scarcely doubtful that this is actually the subject of the painting.

Henry said to me once: "What makes a popular actor?

He did in fact know nothing about her but what she told herself, and this amounted to little more than three statements, which might or might not be true,that she had gone on the stage in opposition to her friends,that she had married an actor, who had treated her with great cruelty,and that he had died of drink.

At intervals of fifteen minutes the curtain is dropped to enable the actors to discuss mugs of beer and the audience to discuss the actors.

But, until I was sure, I didn't want to raise your hopes!" "Hopes of what?" demanded the actor.

131 Verbs to Use for the Word  actor