5 Verbs to Use for the Word adulterations

Spectrum analysis detected the adulteration of valuable compounds; the photographer recorded the exact action of the trotting horse; the telephone might convey orders from one end of an estate to the other; and thus you might go through the whole alphabet, the whole cyclopaedia of science, and apply every single branch to agriculture.

This rage for white bread has introduced adulterations of a very serious character, affecting the health of the whole community.

Laws should be made to prohibit all adulteration of foods.

All sorts of statements have been made respecting the very general adulteration of this article in England, and we fear that many of them are too true.

What were those men talking about just now?' 'Food adulteration, police-reform, and beautifying waste-lots in towns,' I replied promptly.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  adulterations