426 Verbs to Use for the Word affairs

But he, in a yet harsher manner, told me that he must be permitted to manage his own affairs in his own way; and added, that he did not wish to be longer prevented from attending to them.

This settles the affair of the mortgage."

If they choose to hold a convention to discuss the affairs of rat-and-mousedom, they can do it for all me.

He went out, and after some time, informed me that our kind host had a violent cholera morbus, in consequence of the various kinds of food with which he had overloaded his stomach at dinner; that he considered himself near his last end, and was endeavouring to arrange his affairs for the event.

Here it was possible to conduct an affair of honour without much fear of interruption.

Some worthy person may easily be found to preside over this temple; and by the aid of such inspiration as I may from time to time see meet to vouchsafe him, administer its affairs indifferently well.

" Prince Alexander Mavrocordatosthe most prominent of the practical patriotic leadershaving been deposed from the presidency, was sent to regulate the affairs of Western Greece, and was now on his way with a fleet to relieve Mesolonghi, in attempting which the brave Marco Bozzaris had previously fallen.

"We can't leave the affair like this.

It is simply out of the question to control Base Ball as one would control the affairs of a department store.

He accordingly released Monaeses, apparently supposing the latter was going to bring the Parthian affairs under his control, and sent envoys with him to Phraates.

I, who of all young women was the most simple-minded, and ordinarily with barely power to loose my tongue, when among my companions, concerning the most trivial and ordinary affairs, now, because of this my affection, mastered so speedily all his modes of speech that, in a brief space, my aptness at feigning and inventing surpassed that of any poet!

Solon could direct large affairs acceptably, but he and his babes were as thistle-down in a prairie wind.

Of the Continental Congress only fifteen members, representing seven colonies, remained to transact the affairs of the new nation.

How should I know the affairs of such superior people?" "Could nothing soften you?humanize you, I was going to say.

As regards their local affairs they were in no way interfered with, and could they have been represented in some kind of a federal council at Athens, the course of Grecian history might have been wonderfully altered.

Later on she had profited by this intimacy to obtain information from Morange respecting affairs at the factory, of which her husband avoided speaking.

"I don't see why I should tell you all my private affairs.

Arthur, the good-for-nothing brother, had returned from his wild carouse and had taken affairs in charge with something like spirit and a decent show of repentance for his own shortcomings and the mad taste for liquor which had led him away from home that night.

It is necessary for us even on account of the presence of the soldiers to accomplish some measure of importance, that we may not incur the disgrace that would certainly follow from asking for them as if we feared somebody, and then neglecting affairs as if we were liable to no danger.

Chatterton was as much at a loss as his friend, to understand the affair; but it mattered not; he could now offer to Emilyit was a patent office of great value, and a few years would amply portion his sisters.

But he refused to make any statement whatever, apparently treating the affair very lightly.

In consideration of two dollars handed him, the owner had agreed to display no curiosity, and not to mention the affair to any one.

She had set love affairs, and all the notions connected therewith, behind her; but she had idealized Alec Naylor a little; and she thought Cynthia, in homely phrase, "hardly good enough."

I'll warrant you, Sir, mind your Love-affairs,he's coming in,retire, Sir.

A Day or two will finish that affair, And then we'll consummate the happy Day, When all the Court shall celebrate your Joy.

426 Verbs to Use for the Word  affairs