55 Verbs to Use for the Word amazement

No words of mine can express my absolute and abject amazement when I faced the man, whom I had seen lying cold and dead upon that gray stone slab in the mortuary at Dumfries.

" Thursday Smith looked his amazement.

and cannot but feel some amazement that any man should be so ignorant of common proceedings, and so much unacquainted with the execution of our laws, as to have admitted a notion so chimerical.

And now you speak of it I remember you saying once that you couldn't" Joel stopped short and looked at West in wondering amazement.

When Mr. Spalding made his appearance he greeted me with a smile, and while leading the way to his private room exclaimed, 'So our friend Zola is in London!' To describe my amazement is beyond my powers.

I showed my amazement at this remark.

To this careful concealment of our plans, or of the fact that we are ever in touch with one another, is due the huge successes we have made from time to timesuccesses which have staggered the Bourses of the Continent and caused amazement in Wall Street.

Both saw him at about the same time, and for fully thirty seconds they stood and stared, Thor in his pool and the cub over his fish, utter amazement robbing them of the power of movement.

The time came when she was permitted to get up, and nothing could exceed her amazement on finding herself so weak that her legs trembled under her, and the walls and the floor seemed to rock and heave; but in a day or two she was able to walk a little, and she at once begged permission to help nurse the baby.

THE POSITIONS OF THE TEETH OF FISHES are well calculated to excite our amazement; for, in some cases, these are situated in the jaws, sometimes on the tongue or palate, and sometimes even in the throat.

"You are surprised," the old man laughed, noticing my amazement.

He viewed also the cities of Asia, which helped to increase his amazement at the strength and beauty of the Roman empire.

Can you cash my check for five hundred dollars?" It would be difficult to picture the amazement of the landlord.

Boone had turned in speechless amazement as the first words of the voice sounded in his ears.

You shall board your ship and hurry away with the package, and then you shall make love to Strang's wifefor she will go with you!" He stopped to enjoy the amazement that was written in every lineament of the other's face.

Blackton turned in time to catch the sudden amazement in his face.

I could remember now the utter amazement with which George had always regarded this proceeding.

Teddy manifested the most unbounded amazement, and for a while, could say nothing.

In his own heart he had known that all these woodspeople would be waiting for himjust as they wereand he would have known far greater amazement to have found some of them gone.

"I can match amazement with your terror, then.

They looked at each other in panting amazement, until the older man recovered his breath, and spoke: "Gosh and all beeswax!

Seek it, however, in its gigantic home, go to it over its immense neighbors, the Jungfrau, the Finsteraarhorn, the Eiger, the Wetterhorn, St. Gotthard, and Monte Rosa; Mont Blanc will, indeed, still remain a giant, but it will no longer produce in us such amazement.

" Both Whipples ably professed amazement.

she protested her amazement.

He did not know what it was, or why it was so; at the time he realized only a deep amazement that Mr. Dill, mild of manner, correct of speech and wistful-eyed, should be standing there banging the heads of two men who were considered rather hard to handle.

55 Verbs to Use for the Word  amazement