25 Verbs to Use for the Word an

C'est par le mouvement religieux, issu d'Oxford il y a bientôt soixante-dix ans, que la transformation fut opérée.

On sait par des écrits véridiques que pendant sept cents ans elle a été maîtresse du monde.

vous avez fait nommer un homme comme lui, dévoué pendant vingt ans, corps et âme, au Consulat

Elle est l'infante, elle a cinq ans, elle dédaigne.

An' he's exempted an' doesn't know it.

Well, sir, the rector, he come in an' opened his valise an' 'rayed hisself in his robes an' opened his book, an' while he was turnin' the leaves, he faced 'round an' says he, lookin' at me direc', says he: "Let the child be brought forward for baptism," says he, thess that-a-way.

Outwards he was fashioned plainly, Loose o' joint an' blamed ungainly, But I'd give a lot if I'd Been built half as fine inside.

a quelque temps chez son frère, dont le fils a dix ans.

Jacques II, son fils, fut tué à vingt-neuf ans en combattant contre les Anglois.

I don't want you to hand me the roll an' then start any reformin' stunta-holdin' of it in trust an' a probation officer a-pussy-footin' me, or any funny business.

I'm not no deacon; I'se jes a bench member an' a mighty po' one at dat.

I know his apartment is sublet for the new tenants to come in on the first of the month, he placed his car with a dealer to be sold and he didn't order a new one an' he drew a whole heap of cash out of the bank the day before he was killed.

SIÈCLE, m., période de cent ans.

Then we come back an' the dogs picked up the trail uv another one an' we catched him.

Nous à Paris depuis plusieurs ans.

In the same author is recorded Carolus Magnus vision an.

Two very well-known little pieces occur to me as examples of this kind: La reine de 16 ans, and Le mariage de raison.

Fireman he jus' smile an' whistle soft an' say nothing; so we friends.

Wan o' their scouts struck old man Schell's farm an' he put buckshot into sivinteen o' them, or I'm a liar where I shtand!"

I done tote dat old case-knife fo' twenty year'mo po'te ça dipi vingt ans.

6 Revolt of a military governor At the beginning of Hsüan Tsung's reign the capital had been in the east at Loyang; then it was transferred once more to Ch'ang-an in the west due to pressure of the western gentry.

Before an unaccented aspirate use an.

The emperor fled betimes, and An Lu-shan captured Ch'ang-an.

A l'entendre il s'embarqua l'an 1332, jour de Saint-Michel; il voyagea pendant trente-cinq ans, et parcourut une grande partie l'Asie

"Mais je ne fais pas autre chose depuis dix ans," répondit le jeune politicien.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  an