26 Verbs to Use for the Word antics

Do you think you've put much Christianity into the heart of the gentry that were watching your antics last night?" "They have glimmerings of grace," he said.

This mortal frame, while thou didst play thy brief antics amongst us, was in truth any thing but a prison to thee, as the vain Platonist dreams of this body to be no better than a county gaol, forsooth, or some house of durance vile, whereof the five senses are the fetters.

I have often seen him perform some Horace Greeley antics in the composing room of the old Minnesotian.

Dumps never romped either, being old, but he sat and allowed his friend Poker to romp round him with a sort of sulky satisfaction, as if he experienced the greatest enjoyment his nature was capable of in witnessing the antics of his youthful companionfor Poker was young.

They were dreadfully bitten, and reaching the open, they slid off the elephant, and even on the ground continued their saltatory antics before finally getting rid of their ferocious assailants.

Its architectural effect is stupendous; but the human figures, the squalling, contorted little antics that are playing at being frightened, like children at a sham ghost who half know it to be a mask, are detestable.

Why could I not be satisfied with my natural and honourable position, without wishing to imitate the ridiculous antics of that useless little Lap-dog?" THE FIR-TREE AND THE BRAMBLE A Fir-tree was boasting to a Bramble, and said, somewhat contemptuously, "You poor creature, you are of no use whatever.

Was it worth while, think you, to arch the firmament above our rogueries, and light the ageless stars as candles to display our antics?

"I used ter think," she confided to her bosom friend, "thet boarders wuz good fer nuthin' 'cept ter be an aggervation an' a plague; but I couldn't think o' nuthin' else ter do, an' I made up my mind I'd ruther put up with 'em than lose Miss Di-an, even ef their antics did make me gray-headed afore the year wuz out.

" "Et Monsieur Jean Effingham?" "Is always a philosopher; you are to expect no antics from him.

"On the mountain," probably Fall mountain in Bristol, the antics of a young woman named Norton, who accused her aunt of putting a bridle on her and driving her through the air to witch meetings in Albany, caused a commotion among the virtuous people.

In attributing their antics to modesty, Crantz made an error into which so many explorers have fallenthat of interpreting the actions of savages from the point of view of civilizationan error more pardonable in an unsophisticated traveller of the eighteenth century than in a modern sociologist.

Still Nanahboozhoo kept singing louder and louder, while the dancers kept up their wild antics around him.

He was pensively sitting on a big sun-warmed boulder, beguiling the time while awaiting us by contemplating the antics of a large family of monkeys, which he pointed out to Jane, to her great joy.

Be careful, Cora, you don't drop the little fellow!" "Never fear," laughed the mother, as the youngster woke and commenced several juvenile antics more interesting to the parents than to any one else: "How lively!" remarked the proud father.

They may be seen practising these antics, at all spare moments, for weeks, until some later hobby drives them away.

An exciting race with an express train, and the adventure of the "Human Coyote," provided stirring times in this story, which also related the queer antics of Professor Wandering William, an odd character indeed.

A regiment of hungry dogs came prowling up the street, and, remembering the antics of the past week, they looked at us as if speculating what new species of crazy human being we were.

The tumblers and jugglers renewed their antics, the cries of the fruit-sellers and other venders of light luxuries were again mingled with the tones of the flute and the notes of the guitar and harp; while the idle and the busy, the thoughtless and the designing, the conspirator and the agent of the police, once more met in privileged security.

This box is enclosed in a wire cage, and from the top of this she hangs some cat attraction, upon which the creature bounds and shows those wonderful antics that the artist has so marvellously reproduced in her painting.

"I can't stand these American antics.

Neither of the others felt any inclination to try to stop his antics.

No hostile squadron, English, French, Dutch, or all united, will ever again blockade an American port for any serious length of time, the young Hercules passing too rapidly from the gristle into the bone, any longer to suffer antics of this nature to be played in front of his cradle.

Her first impression was that he had taken leave of his senses, and she was on the point of shedding tears over the wreck of a once brilliant mind, when Desyvetaux, suspending his antics long enough to look about him, perceived her and rushed to her side with the liveliest expressions of joy.

She looked very meek to the barbarian of fifteen, so he soon began his antics.

26 Verbs to Use for the Word  antics