35 Verbs to Use for the Word antithesis

As already stated, the "natural" forms the antithesis to the supernatural, on the one hand, and to the historical, on the other.

This group favored eclecticism of a more scientific kind, by starting from considerations of method and seeking to overcome the antithesis between rationalism and empiricism.

Those who want to accentuate the antithesis between Islâm and modern civilization point rightly to the personal law; here is indeed a great stumbling-block.

For the life of him Endymion could never see where the joke came in; but the fellow had illustrated it with such a wealth of humorous instances, and had kept his ignorant audience for twenty minutes in such fits of laughter, that he never afterwards approached the antithesis but he skirted it with a red face.

As if to complete the tragic antithesis of destiny, the beloved and gifted woman who thus shed an angelic ray upon that dark career was soon after her father's return from Europe lost in a storm at sea while on her way to visit him, thus meeting a fate which, even at the distance of time, is remembered with pity.

He used the rhetorical machinery of climax and hyperbole for all that it was worth, and he "made points"as in his essay on Baconby creating antithesis.

I am not criticizing this antithesis at present, but evidently it is quite different from the other.

The daemon, or genius, to whom they sacrificed was called by them Divata, which appears to denote an antithesis to the Deity, and a rebel against him.

He derives the antithesis of the sublime and the beautiful from the two fundamental impulses of human nature, the instinct of self-preservation and the social impulse.

Kant, following Leibnitz and Lambert, uses the terms to designate the antithesis, knowledge from reason and knowledge from experience.

At the same moment there entered, as if by design, his very antithesis: a short, firmly built, clerkly fellow, with a head like a billiard-ball in need of a shave, a big brown moustache, and enormous spectacles.

By successive concessions, the gravity of which he had not realized, he found himself confronted by drafts of treaties which in the end were contradictions of all his proposals, the absolute antithesis of the pledges he had given.

Even then, with my limited knowledge of painting, he seemed to me to furnish the antithesis to Pyne,one too careful of style and running to excessive precision, the other too negligent and running into indecision; and this judgment still holds.

Miss Urania haunted him by reason of her very difference, but almost instantly, offended by the intrusion of this natural, crude aroma, the antithesis of the scented confection, Des Esseintes returned to more civilized exhalations and his thoughts reverted to his other mistresses.

" Now, it is quite true that expressions like "cold fire" and "sick health" sound unreal and affected to sober minds, and it is also true that many poets have exercised their emulous ingenuity in inventing such antitheses just for the fun of the thing and because it has been the fashion to do so.

If the difference here noted were all which Sir W. Hamilton has in view when he declares the Infinite to be unknowable and incogitable, we should accede to his opinion; but we apprehend that he means much more, and he certainly requires more to justify the marked antithesis in which he places himself against M. Cousin and Hegel.

Going on to the seventh stanza he says, "In the third line of it, she loses her antithesis.

[Footnote 13: Note antithesis here: 'your piteous action;' 'my stern effects'the things, that is, 'which I have to effect.'

He might play the Apothecary, in Romeo and Juliet, or the Anatomie Vivante, without painting for themas Stephen Kemble used to play their antithesis, Falstaff, without stuffing.

V. point an antithesis, round a period.

For a being possessing intellectual intuition the antithesis between possibility and actuality, between necessity and contingency, between mechanism and teleology, would disappear along with that between thought and intuition.

While I am excoriating Javert as representing the genius of German officialdom, it is only fair that I should present his antithesis.

We must therefore always remember the antithesis which exists between them.

Kant resolves the antithesis by restricting the theses of the respective parties within their proper limits: "Make thine own perfection and the happiness of others the end of thy actions;" these are the only ends which are at the same time duties.

These two celebrated preachers are in almost all respects an antithesis to each other.

35 Verbs to Use for the Word  antithesis