4 Verbs to Use for the Word appellatives

The signs of long and short sounds, and especially of the former, have been singularly slow in acquiring appropriate namesor any appellatives suited to their nature, or such as could obtain the sanction of general use.

I made several inquiries among his neighbors, but could not ascertain that he bore any other Christian appellative.

It rejoiced in such flowery appellatives as the Sea of Splendor, the Moon of Milk; and, of course, those who had been scarcely better than jewed out of it were determined to obtain it again at all hazards;they were never famous for scrupulosity.

Did not Clementina Falconbridge, the romantic Clementina Falconbridge, fancy Tommy Potts? and Rosabella Sweetlips sacrifice her mellifluous appellative to Jack Deady?

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  appellatives