233 Verbs to Use for the Word applications

The man who makes continued application to work a principle or habit of life, is industrious.

Having recently returned for a temporary stay, after a somewhat successful experience, I have received applications for information in numbers so great that it far exceeds my ability and the time at my disposal to make direct replies.

This mutual removal of the external mental barrier between healer and patient is what is termed establishing a rapport between them, and here we find one most valuable practical application of the principle laid down earlier in this book, that pure spirit is present in its entirety at every point simultaneously.

" "Then you can renew the application later; but understand, I am determined to get through the list.

That very day Mr. Holmes had quoted to her, giving it a personal application: "What she suffered she shook off in the sunshine.

What you would further say, is, that the unforgiving family rejected her application.

But as they frequently require surgical aid, in which case, the earlier the application of remedial measures, the less severe in their kind, and the greater the probability of a speedy and successful result,so is it always important for the mother early to obtain a medical opinion, that the measure of interference or non-interference may be decided.

I have said that Judges in those days were more strict in refusing these applications than in ours, and Cresswell was no exception to the rule.

The arguments, which could be urged on the ground of the practical necessity of a small group dealing with the questions and determining the settlements, seem insufficient to justify the application of the rule of secrecy to the delegates who sat in the Conference on the Preliminaries of Peace.

MAN'S ATTITUDE TOWARD HIMSELF A last, but by no means least, application we may consider of the developing knowledge of the internal secretions in relation to human evolution is its effect upon Man's attitude toward himself and so toward his fellow men.

However wise the theory may be which leaves to the sagacity and interest of individuals the application of their industry and resources, there are in this as in other cases exceptions to the general rule.

and the answer shows the practical application of those very abstract principles which I have laid down in the earlier sections.

For if it should be granted, not only that the nation has no right to know how the whole is expended, which is the utmost that can be allowed, or to direct the application of any part of it, which is very disputable, yet it certainly has a claim to direct in what manner it shall not be applied, and to provide that boroughs are not corrupted under pretence of promoting the dignity of the crown.

They saw her once more go deliberately and tentily through the old process of putting on the fire, and they heard again the application of the bellows, every blast succeeding another with the regularity of a clock, until the kitchen was illuminated by the rising flame.

But where the nominal essence is kept to, as the boundary of each species, and men extend the application of any general term no further than to the particular things in which the complex idea it stands for is to be found, there they are in no danger to mistake the bounds of each species, nor can be in doubt, on this account, whether any proposition be true or not.

Some recommend the application of cold lotions at first.

But Sharpman's great fear was that if Rhyming Joe should be brought back, the story of the bribery could no longer be hushed; and he therefore opposed the application for a continuance with all his energy.

Whewell's Mechanics (1819) contains a few and easy applications of the Differential Calculus.

At all events, this is an affair of no great importanceand whatever may be your determination, it will not change the feelings which, on my part, influenced this application.

They were confounded, not so much by the yet informal but irrevocable majority-vote against them, as by an instinctive misgiving that Science was right; and by irrepressible doubts whether that which would not bear the application of scientific method could in any sense be true or trustworthy knowledge.

" Jamie did not clearly understand the application of the present state of the colonies, nor had he quite made up his mind, touching the merits of the quarrel between parliament and the Americans.

So he sent in an application to the Amtmand, and I'm instructed to see the matter through.

All around the house and farm was in perfect order, proving the application of the saying.

Some of the by-standers wished to beg a few of what he seemed to value so lightly, and others offered to give him bread or clothes in exchange for his nails, but he obstinately resisted all their applications; in fact, little heeding them, although he was almost naked, had a starved, haggard appearance, and evidently regarded the food they proffered with a wishful eye.

I myself suggest an application which would grip the criminal tightly across the back, imprisoning the arms just above the elbow joints.

233 Verbs to Use for the Word  applications