9 Verbs to Use for the Word arf

She'd got money, and I ought to have 'ad my 'arf of it.

"He ain't so bad," ses Sam, wondering whether he ought to tell 'im 'arf of wot Peter really was like.

"You run away from a good 'ome," he ses, "and the best wife in Wapping, and you come back and frighten people 'arf out

At last he told Henery Walker that 'e was going to Wickham to see 'is lawyer about it, and arter Smith the landlord 'ad read the paper to Henery and explained 'ow he'd very likely 'ave to pay more than the whole ten pounds then, 'e gave Bob his arf and said he never wanted to see 'im again as long as he lived.

"I orfen look at 'bus-conductors, an' think, 'Pore devils, they don't know 'arf of life, not even a quarter.

The woman wanted to come on to the wharf, but I 'ad a word or two with one o' the fore-men, who owed me arf-a-dollar, and he made that all right.

"] Bob was asleep when he got there, but 'e woke 'im up and told 'im about it, and then arter a time he said that he thought Bob ought to pay arf because he 'ad saved 'is life.

He spent over arf an hour on his 'ands and knees looking for it, and Sam said when he was tired of playing bears p'r'aps he'd go to bed and get to sleep like a Christian.

" "And I s'pose you think you're going to 'ave arf of the money they get?" ses Henery Walker.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  arf