28 Verbs to Use for the Word arme

On that condition thus I spread my armes, Whose chaste embraces ne're toucht man before; And will to Hubert all the favour shew His vertuous love can covet.

Fly, darknesse, fly in spight of Caves; Truth can thrust her armes through Graves.

Not only, Madam, have I built this tombe In his memoriall, but my selfe have sworne Continuall residence within this wood; And for the love I bare him weare these armes That whatsoever knight, adventurer, or other, Making his journey this way and refusing To do knights homage to my breathlesse friend, By this assayling steele may be compeld.

And though he sought my learned paynes to wrong I hate him not for that; My verse shall live When Neroes body shall be throwne in Tiber, And times to come shall blesse those wicked armes.

Frenchmen, cried, 'Aux armes!'

Five lines ending armes, hath, disputing, are, me.

I thank thee Diphilus: but thou art faulty; I sent for thee to exercise thine armes With me at Patria:

X. Hard by a rivers side a virgin faire, Folding her armes to heaven with thousand throbs, And outraging her cheekes and golden haire, To falling rivers sound thus tun'd her sobs.

During the time I dwelt in Cambaietta I saw very maruellous things: there were an infinite number of artificers that made bracelets called Mannij, or bracelets of elephants teeth, of diuers colours, for the women of the Gentiles, which haue their armes full decked with them.

To conuey one shilling being in one hand into an other, holding your armes abroad like to a roode.

Emongst the rest the clambring yvie grew, Knitting his wanton armes with grasping hold, Least that the poplar happely should rew Her brothers strokes, whose boughes she doth enfold 220 With her lythe twigs, till they the top survew, And paint with pallid greene her buds of gold.

She one nighte, in the absence of her lorde, leaned her lovely arme upon a gentleman's, and walked in the fyldes.

[Footnote: Houls, Hussites, disciples de Jean Hus (qu'on prononçoit Hous), sectaires fanatiques qui dans ce siècle inondèrent la Bohème de sang, et se rendirent redoutables par leurs armes.

Welcome, oh welcome, Pembrok, to myne armes, Whom I imagined death had tane from me.

Let it suffice, the'are traitors to the state, Confederators with those that sought my life, A kinne to Fredericke, that presumptious boy, That durst beare armes against his naturall father: Are they more deare then he?

He hes bene fourtene feet of hycht with square membris effering thairto VI zeris," continues he, "afore the cumyng of this werk to lycht we saw his hanche-bane, als mekill as the hail bane of ane man, lor we schot our arme in the mouth thairof.

With Nature did an arber greene dispied[041] Framéd of wanton yvie, flouring, fayre, Through which the fragrant eglantine did spred His prickling armes, entrayld with roses red, Which daintie odours round about them threw

I spy an arme Plucking

" ANN GODFREEThe frisky oxenNeighborly interestThe "beer out of ye barrill"Mixed theologyThe onbewitched sow "Ann Godfree aged 27 years testifieth yt she came to Thos Disbrows house ye next morning after it was sd yt Henry Grey whipt his cow and sd Disbrows wife lay on ye bed & stretcht out her arme & sd to her

The ambassador thus betwixt two which stood at the doore being led in, either of them taking an arme, kissed his hand, and so backward with his face to the Turke they brought him nigh the dore againe, where he stood vntill they had likewise done so with all the rest of his gentlemen.

Sir, as you teach us armes, you man our minds, too, With civill precepts, making us true Soldiers, Then worthie to receive a trust from others When we stand masters of our owne discretions.

And then I'le strike him dead: King, by your leave: [Ties his armes to the bed.

Such beauties to inioy were happinesse And a reward sufficient in itselfe, Although no other end or hopes were aim'd at; But I have other: tis not Poppeas armes Nor the short pleasures of a wanton bed That can extinguish mine aspiring thirst To Neroes Crowne.

At length, when most in perill it was brought, Two angels, downe descending with swift flight, 625 Out of the swelling streame it lightly caught, And twixt their blessed armes it carried quight Above the reach of anie living sight: So now it is transform'd into that starre, In which all heavenly treasures locked are.

And they go with a great pot made of wood or fine earth, and couered, tied with a broad girdle vpon their shoulder, which cometh vnder their arme, wherewith they go to begge their victuals which they eate, which is rice, fish, and herbs.

28 Verbs to Use for the Word  arme