18 Verbs to Use for the Word arter

When I asked 'im what she looked like, he said that she had a good 'art, and, knowing wot that meant, I wasn't at all surprised when he told me some time arter that 'e had been a silly fool.

"They both coughed arter that, and like a goodnatured fool I stood 'em a sixpenny cigar apiece, and I 'ad just turned to go back to my seat when up come two more hands from the Lizzie and Annie.

"He gave way arter a time, and, fust going 'ome for a cup o' tea, I went on to the wharf to tell the skipper 'ow things stood.

I just stood there staring arter 'im and feeling the money, and afore I could make up my mind Mrs. Plimmer came up.

She spilt the beer all down the place where 'er bodice ought to ha' been, and then she dropped the pot and went arter 'im like a hare.

"He knows wot 'e's arter.

i' my 'eart to change th' name, seein' as it had getten to know it so well, an' arter all, seein' as it's th' head of all th' fowls i' my place, it doesn't seem to coom amiss.

I s'pose mebbe she don't like my going' arter that air Frenchman's gal.

"You saved my 'usband arter all.

Then I caught three bobcats last winter, seven foxes, eleven 'coon, half a dozen 'possums, an' two black b'ars, though one o' them I shot arter we had a right lively argyment.

I shut the wicket arter 'im, quick, and turned the key, and then I went on with my work.

To see him splitting away at that pace, and cutting round the corners, and knocking up against the posts, and starting on again as if he was made of iron, and me with the wipe in my pocket, singing out arter himoh, my eye!"

I took the broom and 'ad a good sweep-up arter he 'ad gorn, and I was just in the middle of it when the cook and the other two chaps from the Saltram came back, with three other sailormen and a brewer's drayman they 'ad brought to see me DANCE!

Fly can't light arter Sam'l's cleanin' up nohaow; he's got ter skate.

He walked along doing a bit o' thinking, and by and by 'e gives a little laugh, and he ses, "II don't think p'r'aps I'll come arter all." "Afraid?"

Charlie sat there for a moment struck all of a heap, and then 'e jumped up and dashed arter 'im.

He died the day arter.

It wasn't the gal, it was the money I hankered arter.

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  arter