5 Verbs to Use for the Word asp

Some say that she applied an asp which had been brought in to her in a water-jar or among some flowers.

A servant brought in an asp for her, concealed in a vase of flowers, at a great banquet.

the Armenian massacres at Adana, and the Balance of Power began faintly to wonder whether the Young Turks in their deposition of Abdul Hamid had not slain an asp and hatched a cockatrice.

She picked up the letter, and, with a shudder, thrust it in her bosom, as Cleopatra might have thrust the asp which was to destroy her; then with leaden feet, she crossed the hall and opened the library door, and saw her father standing by the table clutching some papers in one hand, and gesticulating wildly with the other.

America cannot warm the asp of anarchy in her bosom without expecting it to turn and sting her.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  asp