341 Verbs to Use for the Word attack

Oaks was for the moment completely nonplussed, and Thurston seized the opportunity of making a counter-attack.

" "No, lad, I reckon they're not sich fools as that; but it has come to my ears that ammunition for the cannon is runnin' mighty low, an' to repel an attack, even though there be no danger come from it, will be a serious matter.

On the other hand, now that the Russian collapse had relieved the Turk of his anxieties in the Caucasus and permitted him to concentrate his attention on the Mesopotamian and Palestine fronts, what hope had he of resisting our attack when we should be in a position to launch it?

how he turns it round and round to find the best spot whereon to begin the attack!

Our hopes of escape from this unpleasant and perilous situation now depended upon the arrival of the rear train, and when we saw that the Indians were going to besiege us instead of renewing their attacks, we felt rather confident of receiving timely assistance.

Indeed, according to an assertion in the "Library of Entertaining Knowledge," the horse knows from the bark of a dog when he may expect an attack on his heels.

The dispositions having been made, the Bucks Hussars and Dorset Yeomanry got out of the wadi and commenced their mounted attack, the Berks battery in the meantime having registered on certain points.

None but Beltane the Strong could have marshalled that last chargedrawing on Black Ivo to attempt his centre, see you, and crushing in his flanksso needs must their main battle fall back or meet attack on two sides!

I could see, now, even more plainly, the effects of the tremendous strain, to which it had been subjected; and I marveled how, even with the support afforded by the props, it had withstood the attacks, so well.

First of all they repulsed a strong counter-attack from the direction of Askalon.

The first you will notice is that of William II., on horseback, leading an attack; the artist (Keirzer) has produced a first-rate work of both man and horse.

It was the cause of the death of Henry I. of England, who ate so much of them, that it brought on an attack of indigestion, which carried him off.

Santa Anna considered it the key to the city, and awaited the attack in perfect confidence with thirty thousand men.

I was silent, not knowing just how to meet so direct an attack.

I knew, now, that there was no more reason to fear an attack from this quarter.

They were gradually extended on the east and north-east by the Welsh Division in order to prevent an attack from the direction of Jericho, where we knew the Turks had received reinforcements.

We faced about to receive this new attack, for we thought the French were upon us.

General Godwin arranged that six machine guns should go forward to give covering fire, and, supported by the Berks battery R.H.A. from a good position half a mile west of the railway, the Bucks Hussars were to deliver a mounted attack against the hill, with the assistance on their left of two squadrons of Berks Yeomanry.

This afternoon I learned that the Indians had planned an attack upon this place to-night.

The Roman legion was a most perfect organization, a great mechanical force, and could sustain furious attacks after vigor, patriotism, and public spirit had fled.

His want of wisdom was shown (we may assume) by the grave blemishes and defects in his Endymion, the wilful faults and perverse excesses and extravagances which mark its composition, and wantonly invited attack.

So I shall prescribe Rudolph's company for myself, to ward off an attack of moral indigestion.

For two days they continued violent attacks, penetrating to within 20 miles of Venice, at Capo Silo.

The captain, however, followed up his attack with amazing promptness, and before his antagonists had time to think of resistance he had taken them both by the shoulders and sent them flying into the passage.

Then Worth ordered the attack.

341 Verbs to Use for the Word  attack