8 Verbs to Use for the Word au

An informer by trade, or a personal enemy, lodges an accusation against a particular tradesman for concealing goods, or not selling au maximum; and whether the accusation be true or false, if the accused is not in office, or a Jacobin, he has very little chance of escaping imprisonment.

On this Mr. Smithson discreetly murmured 'au revoir,' took up his hat and cane, and departed, without, in Sir George's parlance, having turned a hair.

il va se briser sur les dalles de la nef, à deux cents pieds au-dessous!

Ei no te au Tamua aaue

'Tis au-tumn now; the corn is cut, But o-ther gifts for us are spread, The pur-ple plum, the ripe brown nut, And pears and ap-ples, streaked with red, A-mong the dark-green branch-es shine, Or on the grass be-neath them fall; While full green clus-ters deck the vine That trails o'er trel-lis, roof, and wall.

La vallée a tout au plus une lieue de large; mais elle est agréable et fertile, arrosée par deux rivières et peuplée d'Arabes.

If a creditor visits a debtor who wishes to be revenged, the latter has only to cry au loup, when all parties assail the unlucky creditor, and perhaps murder him!

Have ready sufficient stewed fruit, the syrup of which must be boiled down until very thick; fill the vol-au-vent with this, and pile it high in the centre; powder a little sugar over it, and put it back in the oven to glaze, or use a salamander for the purpose: the vol-au-vent is then ready to serve.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  au