14 Verbs to Use for the Word aura

In fact, many persons of but slight clairvoyant power, who cannot sense the auric colors, are able to perceive this prana-aura without trouble.

" As soon as the angels had concluded, the kings and princes descended from their thrones and seats, and cast away their sceptres, crowns, and robes; and the mist which contained the aura of phantasy was dispersed, and a bright cloud, containing the aura of wisdom encompassed them, and thus they were presently restored to their sober senses.

Although it be controverted by some, whether love-melancholy may be cured, because it is so irresistible and violent a passion; for as you know, [5601] "facilis descensus Averni; Sed revocare gradum, superasque evadere ad auras; Hic labor, hoc opus est.

The trained clairvoyant vision sees the human aura as a nebulous hazy substance, like a luminous cloud, surrounding the person for two or three feet on each side of his body, being more dense near the body and gradually becoming less dense as it extends away from the body.

I hustled so to get the house and the children and myself just so, that I got my aura into a regular snarl.

Sometimes, as in the case of a vigorous thinker or speaker, these thought-form bombs will be seen to explode when they reach the aura of the person addressed or thought of.

As the Master held it up in the sand-lashed dimness, half-gloom and half-light, that formed a kind of aura round the firean aura sheeted through and all about by the aerial avalanches of the sandthe Legionaries got some vague idea of the necklace.

For even a package of paper sends out its "aura," and invites or repels attention.

It turned down all the ill-written and besmirched leaves in my book of life and opened up a new page on which her name, written in letters of gold, demanded clean work in the future and a record which should not shame the aura surrounding that pure name.

They should give out their books as the priest his sacrament, should wear sacred vestments, and bear about with them the priestlike aura, as of divine incarnations of the great spirit of Truth and Art in whose temples they are ministrants.

"Ad nos vix tenuis famae perlabitur aura.

She cooked their breakfast, but he served her with an elaborate gallantry, putting forward all his new and foreign graces, garnishing his speech with imposing polysyllables, casting about their picnic breakfast a radiant aura of grandeur borrowed from the recent days of his fame.

"Nam quis lumina tanta, tanta Posset luminibus suis tueri, Non statim trepidansque, palpitansque, Prae desiderii aestuantis aura?" &c. "For who such eyes with his can see, And not forthwith enamour'd be!"

" Anger did not prevent him, however, from noting that his neighbor traveled alone, that she must be an Englishwoman, and yet that she diffused, somehow, an aura of the Far East and of romance.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  aura