9 Verbs to Use for the Word authoresses

In speaking of them he said, 'I visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewes several times before they went back to town, and found the authoress a very agreeable woman, both in manner and appearance; but her mind was evidently completely absorbed in her work; she seemed to have no time for anything but writing from morning till night.

This habit of representing her characters without any concealment of their faults is, no doubt, connected with that faculty which enables the authoress to give them so remarkable an air of reality.

[Footnote 7: Authoress of "Praises of Rural Life."] JERE.

I have known many gifted women, among them many gifted authoresses, but I have not known any woman who could have surpassed Lady Russell in the varied charms of her conversation.

The attempts at verse for children are somewhat more successfula certain little "Moral Songs" especially, said to emanate from the Tractarian School, yet full of a health, spirit, and wild sweetness, which makes its authoress, in our eyes, "wiser than her teachers."

Godwin married the authoress of the "Rights of Woman," Mary Wollstonecraft, in 1797, losing her the same year.

The publication of "Jane Eyre" removed its authoress from almost straitened circumstances and a narrow round of life to material comfort and congenial society.

"In literature," writes M. Paul Morillot, "even if quality is wanting, quantity has some significance," and though we may share Scott's abhorrence for the whole "Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy tribe" of novels, we cannot deny the authoress the distinction accorded her by the "Biographia Dramatica" of beingfor her time, at least"the most voluminous female writer this kingdom ever produced."

Pray tell the authoress that the water-nymphs of our valley will be happy to assist her next novel.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  authoresses