25 Verbs to Use for the Word autonomies

But it must be remembered that the British colonies are not colonies in the real sense of the word, but consist chiefly in Dominions which enjoy an almost complete autonomy.

Of course, rumors of the Turkish occupation of the Lebanon had reached us a few weeks before, but we had not believed it, as we knew that Germany and Austria were among those who guaranteed the autonomy of the Lebanon.

Finland, therefore, gained much from the transfer; she possessed for the first time in her history complete internal autonomy.

If so, will she share this with the French in Syria, and will Lebanon be able to preserve its autonomy?

I can imagine Russia making enormous concessions in Poland, for example, accepting retrocessions, and conceding autonomy, rather than foregoing her ancient destiny upon the Bosphorus.

This decree does not disturb the autonomy of the States nor interfere with any of their necessary rights of local self-government, but it does fix and establish the permanent supremacy of the Union.

This should sound like good news to anyone who authentically wants to extend our collective autonomy.

The aristocracy had been wiped out before Bulgaria got her autonomy in 1878, and, unlike Rumania, where the greater portion of the land is in the hand of large proprietors, Bulgaria is a country of small farmers, of shepherds, peasants, each with his little piece of land.

Under the pressure of the European powers the Sublime Porte was forced to grant an autonomy for the province of the Lebanon.

Fine, sometimes designating a whole tribe, more frequently meant a part of it, occupying a distinct portion of the territory, a potential microcosm or nucleus of a clan, having limited autonomy in the conduct of its own immediate affairs.

It is not to be wondered at that, under the menace of losing their autonomy, the Rumanians 'welcomed the nomination of the dragoman of the Porte, Nicholas Mavrocordato, though he was a Greek.

Aug. 15Japan sends ultimatum to Germany to withdraw from Japanese and Chinese waters and evacuate Kiao-chow; Russia offers autonomy to Poland.

North of Skoplje, Serbia, with Kru[)s]evac as a new political centre, continued to lead an independent but precarious existence, much reduced in size and glory, under a native ruler, Prince Lazar; all the conquests of Stephen Du[)s]an were lost, and the important coastal province of Zeta, which later developed into Montenegro, had broken away and proclaimed its autonomy directly after the death of Tsar Uro[)s].

In the Treaty of Bucarest between the two countries signed in May 1812, the Serbs were indeed mentioned, and promised vague internal autonomy and a general amnesty, but all the fortified towns they had captured were to be returned to the Turks, and the few Russian troops who had been helping the Serbs in Serbia had to withdraw.

TO PROTECT BELGIAN AUTONOMY On the same afternoon, in the same place, Sir Edward Grey reiterated the other dominant principle of British foreign policythat England can never look with indifference on the seizure by a great continental power of any portion of Belgium and Holland.

He rejects, however, the autonomy of the will and the spontaneity of thought; and though he criticises the Cartesian separation between the thought of the creator and that of the creature, he as little approves the pantheistic identification of the twohuman cognition participates in the divine, without constituting a part of it.

By the treaty of London, in 1852, he had undertaken not to incorporate the duchies with the rest of his monarchy, allowing them to retain their traditional autonomy.

The constituent powers had looked for a stiff struggle with the Ottoman armies, but for final success sufficient to enable them, at the best, to divide Macedonia among themselves, at the worst, to secure its autonomy under international guarantee.

These interactive communication technologies could even help us to understand autonomy as a collective phenomenon, a shared state that emerges spontaneously and quite naturally when people are allowed to participate actively in their mutual self-interest.

But is she to be accorded an autonomy in outside affairs that is denied her in the home?

no right to interpose, Urging on you a free autonomy, Just as your U-boats shove their nose In my interior economy? I'm told we have no quarrel, none, With you as Germans.

In other terms, each people could freely choose autonomy or throw in its lot with some other State.

The Allies promised that in the event of peace on these terms Russia would carry out her announced intention of conferring autonomy on Poland.

Syria, Armenia, and Arabia are demanding autonomy; and the former respect of the other Moslems for the governing race, i.e., the Turks, has received a severe blow.

In 1863, shortly before his death, Frederick VII. by a decree dissolved this autonomy, and virtually incorporated Schleswig, which was only partly German, with the Danish monarchy, leaving the wholly German Holstein as before.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  autonomies