11 Verbs to Use for the Word awareness

A number of reviewers graciously showed awareness of this fact.

Although the terrorist attacks on the United States can find their roots, at least partially, in a legacy of misguided American foreign and energy policy decisions, they have also increased our awareness of a great chasm between peoples with seemingly irreconcilable stories about the world and humankind's role within it.

Somewhere in the recesses of the mind, perhaps, but as to immediate awareness of it, there was none.

By means of quotations, taken almost at random from the rich literature of mysticism, the author will attempt to show that the consciousness of the mystic involves the awareness of dimensionally higher worlds.

She let him see, with none of the rhetorical solemnities which a direct statement would have involved, her new awareness of his professional eminence.

And not until the driver halted the car before Anderson's door did they manifest any awareness of Neuman.

" XI THE GIFT OF FREEDOM CONCEPT AND CONDUCT A surgeon once remarked to the author that among his professional associates he had noticed an increasing awareness of the invisible.

Coping by retreat into a world view More than any particular map or narrative we might develop, we need to retain the crucial awareness that any and all of these narratives are mere models for behavioural, social, economic or political success.

Even if there still continues an awareness of the importance and love for Konknni, yet the chances of Roman Konknni journalism gradually fading away are also visible.

Emerging planet-wide social consciousness spread an awareness that the concerns, plans and programs of any part of the human family are of vital importance to the whole of mankind.

The paper got priority over other things simply because there was a need to create awareness amongst the masses.

11 Verbs to Use for the Word  awareness