44 Verbs to Use for the Word ax

The bearded woman came next, with her whiskers done up in curl papers, and then the fat woman got one foot through the transom, and she couldn't get it back in, and the train hands got an ax and were going to cut her leg off, and save one foot, at least, when pa got a move on him, and took the ax and broke out the side of the car, and got her out.

Axel lies there with all sorts of vain and useless thoughts in his head: if only he could reach the ax, and perhaps cut his way out!

Pa Got an Ax and Cut the Fat Woman Out.

an' I throwed down my 'possum an' ax an' beat de dog home.

Oh, Oline has wielded an ax before that day; had axed off many a load of firing in her life.

This bill lays the ax at the root of our present admirable land system.

Instead of their guns, each shouldered an ax.

His sort use an ax or a club.

And she waves Brede aside; will not even let him carry the ax or the basket of food.

The French fired a cannon as a signal, and, before the echoes of its report rolled away, every man dropped ax or spade, and was in his place, weapon in hand.

What I am certain about is that he took fright yesterday morning in our court, when I produced that ice-ax and asked the doctor those questions about it.

The chevalier had thrown off his coat also, and he had swung an ax with the best.

She is like the watchman who announces the coming of Agamemnon; Clytemnestra sharpens her ax at the news, and the fatal bath is prepared for the anax andron.

He gripped the ax he had brought with him and approached within a few feet of the crouching animal.

They raised an ax to free him, but he hollersone word to the jump"Don'twastetoomuchhose!"' "Percival put his hand on my shoulder.

"Bring me the ax, somebody!"

Oline digs down and down in the snow, and finds no ax.

So he ran round to the shop, and, having procured an ax, he went up to the tree, and dealt it a heavy blow.

On the third day, her temptations having twice failed, the lady offers Gawain a ring, which he refuses; but when she offers a magic green girdle that will preserve the wearer from death, Gawain, who remembers the giant's ax so soon to fall on his neck, accepts the girdle as a "jewel for the jeopardy" and promises the lady to keep the gift secret.

But Theseus, peering about, saw the ax and the ropes with cunning pulleys lying hidden behind the curtains; and he saw, too, that the floor was covered with stains of blood.

Rod slipped on his coat and hat and Mukoki seized his belt-ax and the shovel.

Frank was not slow to discover this, and he began to think about sending his ax after him again, when he heard a crashing in the bushes behind him, and the grayhound passed him like the wind, and two or three of his tremendous bounds brought him up with the 'coon.

I had like to have spoiled my ax with cutting it, being very hard and exceedingly heavy; yet with much labour & industry, I made a sort of a spade out of it.

Yet one of them found means to steal a battle-ax, of which he immediately made a trial on one of his countrymen, whom he killed with one blow; on which a third person seized the mischievous weapon and threw it into the sea.

But how is I gwine ter stop her?' ax' Dan.

44 Verbs to Use for the Word  ax