18 Verbs to Use for the Word backes

Are all the rest come backe?

I now am well and heare, my eares set free; O be mercifull, doe not bring me backe Unto my prison, at least free your selfe.

The ships depart to be the 10 of May in Goa, and being not then arriued, they turne backe to Cochin, and if they cannot fetch Cochin, they returne to Malacca.

For your intent [Sidenote: toward] [Sidenote: 18] In going backe to Schoole in Wittenberg, It is most retrograde to our desire: [Sidenote: retrogard]

He will not heare nor (too unkind) looke backe.

But ye high hevens, that all this sorowe see, Sith all your tempests cannot hold me backe, Aswage your storms, or else both you

Yet, gratyous Sir, sende hym hys honors backe

Nay, some of them are so spitefull they'le breake their owne backes before they let 'em rise againe.

And, for that principall you have credited To Eleonora her heart is paid backe As the iust Usury. Hen.

Shall I intreate you to receive them backe?

English miles, and from thence went downe to Tripolis, where going aboord a small vessell, I arriued at Ioppe, and trauelled to Rama, Lycia, Gaza, Ierusalem, Bethleem, to the riuer of Iordan, and the sea or lake of Zodome, and returned backe to Ioppe, and from thence by sea to Tripolis, of which places because many others

Whyle they are brablinge in the cittye I am sent backe to the villadge to cheire up the too younge mermaydes; for synce theire throates have bin rincht with salt water they singe with no lesse sweatenes.

And when they goe into the warres they set a frame of wood vpon their backes, bound with great cordes, wherein sit foure or sixe men, which fight with gunnes, bowes, and arrowes, darts and other weapons.

And then about his shoulders broad he threw 65 An hairie hide of some wilde beast, whom hee In salvage forrest by adventure slew, And reft the spoyle his ornament to bee; Which, spredding all his backe with dreadfull vew, Made all that him so horrible did see 70 Thinke him Alcides with the lyons skin, When the Naeméan conquest he did win.

No, Victoria; Those were Rewards that we bestow'd on others; We gave, but tooke none backe.

So horrid it can fright e'ne murder backe.

They are brought vpon raftes made of goates skinnes blowne full of winde and bordes layde vpon them: and thereupon they lade their goods which are brought downe to Babylon, which being discharged they open their skinnes and carry them backe by Camels, to serue another time.

The flat bottomed boates goe safe thorow, where as the small shippes if they misse the aforesayd chanell, sticke fast on the Sholdes, and by this meanes many are lost: and comming backe for the Indies, they goe not that way, but passe by the chanell of Manar as is abouesayd, whose chanell is Oazie, and if the shippes sticke fast, it is a great chance if there be any danger at all.

18 Verbs to Use for the Word  backes