8 Verbs to Use for the Word bangle

The Soft Lady accidentally dropped a bangle from her wrist on to the floor.

you've got my silver bangle on now!

In former times women dressed to please in general, now their entire toilette is to please men; for his sake she wears bangles, jewelry, ribbons, bracelets, rings.

Therein a coppersmith was making bangles for a beautiful young princess who had just been crowned queen of the city.

I went into a jeweller's next and purchased a gold curb bangle (with padlock attached).

Among the curiosities of the census we find that 603,741 people are engaged in making and selling sweetmeats, and 550,241 in selling cardamon seeds and betel leaves, and 548,829 in manufacturing and selling bangles, necklaces, beads and sacred threads.

Toomuch Koffi in return took from his wrist a solid bangle of beaten gold.

Maisie was terribly upset when she lost her gold curb bangle (with padlock attached) between the hospital and the canteen.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  bangle