7 Verbs to Use for the Word bankes

I oft have walkt by Tibers flowing bankes And heard the Swan sing her own epitaph: When she heard me she held her peace and died.

At first I tooke delight to see the dog, Thinking in vaine some game did there lye hid Amongst the Nettles growing neere the banke; But when no game, nor anything appear'd, That might produce the Spaniell to this sport, I gan to rate and beate the harmlesse

Through whose bright gliding current might appeare A thousand naked Nymphes, whose yuorie shine, Enameling the bankes, made them more deare Then euer was that glorious Pallas gate.

Traueiling eight dayes iourney further by diuers territories and cities, at length I came by fresh water vnto a certaine citie named Lencyn, standing vpon the riuer of Karauoran, which runneth through the midst of Cataie, and doeth great harme in the countrey when it ouerfloweth the bankes, or breaketh foorth of the chanell.

Fortie miles further is Rossetto, which is a litle towne without walles, and is situate vpon the banke of Nilus three miles from the sea, at which place many times they build ships and other vessels, for gouernement whereof is appointed a Saniacbey, without any other guard: it is a place of traffique, and the inhabitants are very rich, but naughtie varlets and traytours.

I was wery, forwandred, and went me to reste Undur a brod banke, bi a bourne side; And as I lay and lened, and loked on the watres, I slumbred in a slepyng-hit swyed[90] so murie

Ah, do not so disconsolate your selfe, Nor adde new streames of sorrow to your griefe, Which like a spring tide over-swels the bankes, Least you do make an inundation

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  bankes