7 Verbs to Use for the Word becoming

Rose was far too indignant to be comprehensible, when she told me on the way home; but there was something about adopting the becoming, and a repetition ofof some insolent praise."

These three a's derived from primitive a become each in turn the progenitor of a family with triple sounds, as may be seen in the following genealogical tree: A Á A À - é o e è au eu i ou u Eccentric.

A] dos so ill become.

And hath thy blameless life become, 70.

They said the most becoming (but that was de l'eau bénite de Cour); perhaps it was because the Dukes of Orleans, Nemours, and Aumale, who never dance, and did so very little that evening, all three honoured me with a quadrille.

thy goal is nearly reached: already thou art great, and greater still shalt thou become.

Young and good-looking, he had, with pardonable, but perhaps dangerous, vanity, studied the becoming in his costume, which was composed of the very finest materials.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  becoming