413 Verbs to Use for the Word belief

" Having been served with the wholesome country fare he had ordered, together with a glass of the heady native wine called applejack, the gentleman had but just moved a slice of pork from its bed in the beans, when, with much interest, he closely inspected the spot of vegetables he had uncovered, and expressed the belief that there was something alive in it.

" To one who had not been in this vicinity, as had I, the old soldier's words might have induced the belief that we were really not exposed to danger in making the proposed venture; but I knew full well he believed, as did I, that, however many might be feasting and dancing in the encampment, there were a certain number watching the fort, and if one of them should catch a glimpse of us the business would be at an end

Must it not have confirmed their belief in the "inevitability" of a warthat belief which, by itself, has been enough to produce war after war, and, in particular, the war of 1870?

We passed the time as best we might, many of us finding it quite as difficult as did Jacob to restrain our impatience, and not a few openly declaring their belief that Brant was holding us idle simply that he might the better carry out some murderous scheme.

And although I was silent, I shared the Scotch detective's belief.

How can the Nationalists ever hope to gain anything by entering the councils, holding the belief that they do?

You will think me foolish, Lester, but even that cablegram hasn't shaken my belief in the existence of that secret drawer.

His hearers did not seem to regard it as passing belief, but they laughed at the idea of drowning a bear.

The convenience of the harbors in this island, and the remarkable number of rivers contributing to the healthfulness of man, exceed belief, unless one has seen them.

Many persons entertain a belief that cow's milk is hurtful to infants, and, consequently, refrain from giving it; but this is a very great mistake, for both sugar and milk should form a large portion of every meal an infant takes.

I must have been here some ten years before I saw sufficient to warrant any belief in the stories, current in the neighborhood, about this house.

With the case of the Horses before us, justifying a belief in the production of new animal forms by modification of old ones, I see no escape from the necessity of seeking for these ancestors of the Ungulata beyond the limits of the Tertiary formations.

A perusal of the Religio Medici will not much contribute to produce a belief of the author's exemption from this father-sin; pride is a vice, which pride itself inclines every man to find in others, and to overlook in himself.

He does not prophesy what will become of you if you do not accept his belief, neither does he promise everlasting life as a reward for thinking as he does.

Enthusiasm is contagious: belief creates belief.

" "Is it possible," I said, "that even your monarch cherishes a belief in the incredible or logically impossible, and yet escapes the lunatic asylum with which you threaten me?" "I should not escape grave consequences were I to attribute to him a heresy so detestable," said my host.

"As many knew him for a Tory, his tale found ready belief, and, when interrogated as to the numbers of the advancing host, he gave a warning frown and pointed significantly to the countless leaves that fluttered on the branches overhead.

He stated his belief "that the British Government was the best in the world and that he doubted much whether anything short of it would do in America."

I can quite believe, from what I have seen of our leading scientists, that in another century it may be dangerous in my own country for my descendants to profess that belief in a Creator and a future life which I am superstitious enough to prefer to all the revelations of all the material sciences.

It seems to me that all you have seen only supports my firm belief that a horrible apparition visits that room.

He had sent her letters and rings, and made many tenders of his affection to her, and importuned her with love in honourable fashion: and she had given belief to his vows and importunities.

And he, however far he was from seriously contemplating such an act, yet made the offer to strengthen the belief that he was certainly and without fail going to conquer.

In the course of his inquiries and arguments he felt it necessary to establish the belief in Godthe one great thing from which all other questions radiatedby a new argument, and on firmer ground than that on which it had hitherto rested.

It is only recently that men have been abandoning the belief that the welfare of a state depends on rigid stability and on the preservation of its traditions and institutions unchanged.

If you are not convinced, but prefer to retain the comforting belief that if America only knew the truth it would applaud Germany's actions, then I shall, at least, have the satisfaction of knowing that I earnestly endeavoured, in good faith, to return the courtesy which you showed me when you wrote so fully, by telling you with equal fulness the truth as I see it.

413 Verbs to Use for the Word  belief