37 Verbs to Use for the Word birthrights

The church has sold its birthright for the privilege of exploiting the credulity and the fears of the people.

Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.

With him may be placed the Norman duke Robert, whose carelessness had lost him the crown of England, and who had now pawned his duchy for a pittance scarcely less paltry than that for which Esau bartered away his birthright.

So Jacob, in his cunning, bargaining way, took advantage of his brother's weak, hasty temper, and bought his birthright of him, as the text tells.

He had no reason to complain if he lost his birthright.

Him first, Him last, in all things own, Whose wisdom guides in paths unknown; Then, as the winged hours ascend, Shall blessings fall upon my friend; Till, full of years, matured you rise To claim your birthright in the skies.

The day came when he wanted his birthright and could not have it, and found no place for repentancethat is, no chance of undoing what he had donethough he sought it carefully with tears.

I am a changeling, substituted by my mother for the heiress of the Lesley family: it was for my sake she did this naughty deed; yet, since the truth has been known, it seems to me as if I had been the only sufferer by it; remembering no time when I was not Harriot Lesley, it seems as if the change had taken from me my birthright.

In an article in the Quarterly for January, 1823, in a review of a work by Grégoire on Deism in France, under the title "The Progress of Infidelity," Southey had a reference to Elia in the following terms: "Unbelievers have not always been honest enough thus to express their real feelings; but this we know concerning them, that when they have renounced their birthright of hope, they have not been able to divest themselves of fear.

Let them enjoy their birthright in peace; it is seldom they are found looking for its blessings on the high seasand these, the little satellites that play about the mighty moon; your Barbarians of Africa.

The Doomswoman exercised her power to heal, the birthright of the twin.

If he may retain his place among them as preacher or teacher, he is willing to forego his birthright of free explanation; he consents to be blind to the duty which attaches to every intelligent man of having some clear ideas, even though only provisional ones, upon the greatest subjects of human interest, and of deliberately preferring these, whatever they may be, to their opposites.

And more cruel than taking away a birthright was bringing the consciousness of having no birthright.

I hold my birthright to a beggar's scrip, The bastard is escaped in my clothes.

The conditions that direct the order of the whole of the living world around us, are marked by their persistence in improving the birthright of successive generations.

yet they impose No rich-plumed mistress on their feathered sons; But leave their love, more open yet and free Than all the fields of air, their spacious birthright.

Let no man or party purchase your patriotic birthright for a fifty-cent tax bill or any other sum.

You have given me exceptional privileges in coming among you, and I am grateful for the help you have been to me, but I would say to youand you have given me this privilegeI have never met a woman who seemed to have recognized the birthright in women as the birthright in men, to create that link which binds our powers to our intellect.

I do not think you will desire to invite a public inquiry, or force me to recover my birthright in a court of justice.

Dare I face that mystic, inner ME and say: 'I choose my man, I give him all my life, and I resign my birthright of labor.

With hardly a trustworthy ally except a remarkably clever and courageous old grandmother, he struggled for three years to retain his birthright.

Perhaps he thinks that if he could come to me and say, 'There, Miss Bruce, I have saved your birthright for you, and I ask nothing but one kind word in return,' I might be disposed to give it, and something more.

He wants Carlos to sign away his birthright in favor of his younger brother, to whom he intends Angelina to be married; but Carlos declines to give his signature, and elopes with Angelina, whom he marries, while Clodio engages his troth to Elvira of Lisbon.

"Tis the birthright of the Kings' subjects so and no otherwise to be tryed and they must not be despoyled of it.

The fiat having gone forth from the wise men of the South that the "all-pervading, all-conquering Anglo-Saxon race" must continue forever to exercise exclusive control and direction of the government of this so-called Republic, it becomes important to every citizen who values his birthright to know who are included in this grandiloquent term.

37 Verbs to Use for the Word  birthrights