10 Verbs to Use for the Word blubbers

"An' it's hot, too, it is," he continued, applying his kerchief again to his pate "If it warn't for the ice we stand on, we'd be melted down, I do belave, like bits o' whale blubber.

To cut the blubber from a skin or carcase.

We are beginning to eat blubber and find biscuits fried in it to be delicious.

We are going to fetch more blubber for the stove.

To start the stove the plate C must be warmed with spirit lamp or primus, but when the blubber oil is well alight its heat is quite sufficient to melt the blubber in And keep up the oil supplythe heat gradually rises until the oil issues from B in a vaporised condition, when, of course, the heat given off by the stove is intense.

"Sorry we can't offer you some blubber, Kaviak.

It may be said, here, that the Martha went into the passage, and that the whale was floated into shallow water, where sinking was out of the question, and Bob and his Kannakas, about twenty in number, went to work to peel off the blubber in a very efficient, though not in a very scientific, or artistical manner.

The next summer brought word that the mission was to be continued, partly because Egede had strained every nerve to send home much blubber and many skins.

The son of his father took one glance at the ancient dame, and one at the lovely creature beside him, and then set up a right royal blubber of disappointment.

In consequence of this favourable circumstance, the Henlopen soon had its prize hooked on, and her people at work stripping off the blubber.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  blubbers