7 Verbs to Use for the Word boiled

To make Parsley Sauce, add a spoonful of finely chopped and scalded parsley to this just as it comes a boil; and for Caper Sauce, add some finely chopped capers or fresh nasturtium pods in same way.

Naturally it's a poor time for free speech when the Government's got a boil on the back of its neck and is feeling irritable.

I reached the edge, and looked down; but could see nothing save a boil of dust clouds swirling hither and thither.

You know about as much how to sail a ship as I would how to run a steam-engine from seeing a tea-kettle boil.

Now add the sugar and boil slowly for fifteen minutes, stirring constantly; if not thick enough boil longer, being very careful not to let it burn.

By God," he broke out suddenly, "it fairly makes one's blood boil!

And so one after another: St. Cloud cures the boils; St. Cornet, the deaf; St. Denis, anemia; St. Marcou, diseases in the neck; St. Eutropus, the dropsy; St. Aignan, the ringworm, and it is generally admitted that we ought to pray on All Saints Day to be preserved from a cough.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  boiled