8 Verbs to Use for the Word bokes

The Prologue, at top of page, begins: Here begynneth the boke Intituled Eracles, and also Godefrey of Boloyne, the whiche speketh of the Conquest of the holy lande of Jherusalem.

I have transcribed from the following edition, which is thus described in the Colophon: "The legende named in latyn Legenda Aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende, For lyke as golde passeth all other metalles, so this boke excedeth all other bokes".

or Scott unentertaining?" "You remind me," said I, laughing, "of the student in Chaucer, who desired for his only pleasure and society, "'-at his bedde's head A'twenty bokes clothed in black and red, Of Aristotle and his philosophy!'

After mentioning the Latin title, he adds "that is to say in Englyshe the golden legende for lyke as passeth golde in vallwe al other metallys, soo thys legende exedeth all other bokes."

And oure holy fadir, of his special grace, remytted my boke to ben examyned and preved be the avys of his seyd conscille.

Be the whiche, my boke was preeved for trewe; in so moche that thei schewed me a boke, that my boke was examynde by, that comprehended fulle moche more, ben an hundred part; be the whiche, the Mappa Mundi was made after.

Then answered the Magician dredefully: Manuel, Manuel, now I shall shewe unto thee many bokes of Nygromancy, and howe thou shalt cum by it lyghtly and knowe the practyse therein.

a fine: "Nor wyll suffer this boke By hooke ne by crooke Prynted for to be.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  bokes