13 Verbs to Use for the Word bold

Thy vesper-bell hath not yet tolled: And thou wert aye a masker bold!

Yet hast thou gifts that ladies love; thy bearing bold and bright Can break through every obstacle that bars them from delight.

The night comes on: if fortune bless the bold, I shall possess the beauty.

I felt the man's weight on my body, and with both arms extended to the uttermost hanging over the edge, I caught firm bold of the girl's shoulders.

A future poet will conjure them to this Scandinavian Archipelago, chisel the true forms out of the old Sagas, the bold, the rude, the greatness and imperfections of the time, in their habits as they lived.

as with the instances of oppression under which the eastern Christians laboured, he entertained the bold, and in all appearance impracticable, project of leading into Asia, from the farthest extremities of the West, armies sufficient to subdue those potent and warlike nations which now held the holy city in subjection

His book is made, or can be made, when he chooses: fortune favours the bold, and incidents will always dispose themselves dramatically to the dramatist.

" "Uprose Find our chieftain bold, Stood before the Fian ranks, To the king spoke gracious thanks, Took the gifts the monarch gave; Then each to each these champions brave Glorious sight to see and tell, Spoke their soldier-like farewell!

Who dared To meet the Viking bold, if he The succour of the band, should be Found faltering or in despair?

Such kings, like stars with influence unconfined, Shine with aspect propitious to mankind; Favour the innocent, repress the bold, And, while they flourish, make an age of gold.

Since he sung his bold, and wild, and romantic lays, a more religious solemnity breathes from our mouldering Abbeys, and a sterner grandeur frowns over our time-shattered Castles.

If the flame was clear, if it mounted up without dividing, and went not out till the victim was entirely consumed, this was a proof that the sacrifice was accepted; but if they found it difficult to kindle the fire, if the flame divided, if it played around instead of taking bold of the victim, if it burnt ill, or went out, it was a bad omen.

The astrologers being now consulted, pronounced that Byzun was still living, and Gíw was consoled and cheered by the promptitude with which the king despatched troops in every quarter in search of his son. "Weep no longer, warrior bold, Thou shalt soon thy son behold.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  bold