69 Verbs to Use for the Word boring

" George Henry loved cleanliness, and the round table at which he found a seat bore a cloth dappled in various ways.

He met her conditionsand bore all the odium like a man.

A page came riding up the street, Bringing the knight his jennets fleet, With plumes and harness all bedight And saddled well with housings bright; The lance which he on entering bore Brandished the knight with spirit sore, And dashed it to the wall, And head and butt, at that proud door, In myriad fragments fall.

" Mrs. Mesurier was no more interested in Mr. Clegg than her daughters; but she had a great fund of humanity, and an inexhaustible capacity for suffering bores brilliantly.

He knew The strange ship bore brave Conn, and blew Clear on his horn the Warning Call; And round him thronged the Fians all With wond'ring gaze.

His own resemblance was strong; his eyes were turned on herself, to whom Denbigh thought she had not done ample justice, but the man who held the gun bore no likeness to John Moseley, except in dress.

The unmarried ladies lack partners at balls; the beaux fall asleep after dinner on the downy cushions of the sofas at the Club, or vote it a bore to dress of an evening, when they are sure to meet pleasant fellows at the Alma Mater.

He was now famous,a man whom everybody wished to see and know, especially Americans when they came to London, but whom he generally snubbed (as he did me) and pronounced them bores.

However, due to pitting, the presence of dust, other abrasives, or to accumulation, metal fouling may occur in clearly visible flakes or patches of much greater thickness, much more difficult to remove. (c) In cleaning the bore after firing it is well to proceed as follows: Swab out the bore with soda solution (subparagraph j) to remove powder fouling.

"The superstitious man was interesting at first," observed Merry; "but I've a fancy that he might prove a bore.

"Not to dwell on the natural pain, the gloom, and the waste of time and money thus entailed, only consider how greatly ill health hinders the discharge of all duties,makes business often impossible, and always more difficult; produces irritability fatal to the right management of children, puts the functions of citizenship out of the question, and makes amusement a bore.

See how simply, by one honest action, I have cut off the bores!" To cut off the bores!

The most accomplished orator fades forgotten, and his laurels pass to some hoarse, inaudible Burke, accounted rather a bore during his lifetime, and possessed of a faculty of scattering, not convincing, the members of the House.

On our way we crossed the inner edge of a bank seen from Compass Hill, in three fathoms: Helpman's south islet bore at the time east three and a half miles; after crossing this bank, the least water we had was ten fathoms; this depth we found in passing on the eastern side of the small, low island fronting Port Usborne.

But those who come to wear away With me the time they deem a bore, And blithely rob me of a day Which God Himself cannot restore From such, at risk of being rude, I will preserve my solitude.

A FEW MEN WHO BORE US THE SELF-MADE MAN Somebody has cleverly defined a bore as "a man who talks so much about himself that I never can get a chance to talk about myself."

He could distinguish even by day, when the night stillness had withdrawn its favouring conditions, the borings of the sawdust insects in the logs of the cabin.

"To put your things into it, sir," is the very natural, reply; so, after a good deal of "Confound it, what a bore," &c., it ends in everything being again unpacked, a fresh lot thrown aside, and a new packing commenced; and believe me, reader, the oftener you repeat this discarding operation, the more pleasantly you will travel.

He would not be pleased if he knew that all my cordial welcome really meant was,'I'm glad to see you, because I'm a benevolent person, and am willing to make my fellow-creatures happy at any sacrifice, even at the frightful one of entertaining such a bore as you are!'

He was a bore, but not so fearful a bore as to be limited to me and from the first there was something in his manneralmost as though he knew, almost as though he penetrated to the fact that I mightthat there was a remote, exceptional chance in me that no one else presented.

To the student of religions the interest of the Myth is not that of an infantile attempt to philosophize, but as it illustrates the intimate and immediate relations which the religion in which it grew bore to the individual life.

"That his wife hath tway children y-bore!

I want somebody to find a definition large enough (if possible) to include all the bores.

'Who will benefit by his decease?' inquired the bore.

He supplies his chief with official information, hunts up necessary references, writes his letters, and interviews his bores.

69 Verbs to Use for the Word  boring