4 Verbs to Use for the Word bothe

I must accuse you bothe, but punnyshe one, You, Ganelon, I meane: there dothe belonge Unto your fault muche more then banishment.

I am one, The proverb proves it, an oulde serving man: At your choyse therefore be it, whether I Or that knave shall stay with you, for both must not; Your house (though lardge) cannot contayne us bothe.

And men eten bothe the frut and the best: and that is a gret marveylle.

Be not fantastyque; that which we perswade Hathe bothe an eassye and a certayne way, Nor can it yeild to you a syngle joye But muche redoobled sweetnes.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  bothe