20 Verbs to Use for the Word boyhoods

It was very dull and wearisome business, imprisoned in a rocky defile and unable to do anything, while the Philistines were stealing the harvests that grew on the very spot where he had spent his boyhood.

Byron himself has said that he passed his boyhood at Marlodge, near Aberdeen; but the statement is not correct; he visited, with his mother, occasionally among their friends, and among other places passed some time at Fetteresso, the seat of his godfather, Colonel Duff.

He remembered his own boyhood, and smiled sardonically in the darkness.

One of the forms which shyness takes in boyhood is an inability to get up and go.

But though he carried his forty-five years lightly, John Crewys had left his boyhood very far behind him.

We have gone back for a season to the freedom, the sports, the sights, the exercises which delighted our boyhood.

No man can read such records without finding his own boyhood again, and his own abounding joy of life, in the poet's early impressions.

Drowsy old summer, I'd like to forget Some things which I've learned an' some hurts I have met; I'd like the old visions of splendor an' joy Which were mine to possess as a barefooted boy When I dreamed of the glorious deeds I would do As soon as I'd galloped my brief boyhood through; I'd like to come back an' look into your skies With that wondrous belief an' those far-seeing eyes.

Oh, it is your fostering love and care, the remembrance of all your tenderness from my infancy, gilding my boyhood with sunshine, my manhood with such refreshing raysit is that which is resting on my heart, and I would give it words and thank and bless you, but I cannot.

Could we learn what waking-dreams haunted the boyhood of a man, we should have a rare help toward understanding the character he has developed.

And writing amid all the cares and distractions of a war which he detested, he averted his eyes from the manifold wearinesses which daily vexed his soul, and calmly sat down to meditate on all the great qualities which he had observed, and all the good lessons that he might have learnt from those who had instructed his boyhood, and surrounded his manly years.

To use the language of Cicero, he has rendered those studies which nurtured boyhood delightful to age"Athenæum

As things stood, to delay his ordination would have been a stigma he did not deserve; and though he might have spent a year with advantage in a theological college, pupilage might only have prolonged his boyhood.

Even the most difficult genera of golden-rods, asters, and grasses become intelligible in this manual; and many a less difficult genus which puzzled our boyhood, with Beck's, Eaton's, and Pursh's manuals, became so plain in Gray, that we cannot now imagine where was the difficulty.

This old home of histhe old house seemed full of well-remembered sounds of mouse and cricket and leaf against the roof and soft night wind at the eavessounds that brought his boyhood back, his bare feet on the stairs, his father's aloofness, his mother's love.

A biography of Grant might appropriately devote two or three chapters to his boyhood, while a short sketch of his life would treat his boyhood in a single paragraph.

Young, he is, of course, and still awaiting the development which life's deeper experiences are to bring, but nevertheless he is not again to taste the joy, the zest, or the enthusiasm which come to careless boyhood.

The humor which characterized his boyhood, remained with him in maturer years, and often effervesced on the surface of his acquired gravity; as will appear in the following anecdotes.

Must he so soon close the gate of Eden behind him?leaving forever his immortal boyhood sleeping amid the never-fading flowers.

The first lectures concerning Edison's boyhood were repeated.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  boyhoods