59 Verbs to Use for the Word brandy

But he did stop at the tavern, and there drank some brandy to steady his nerves; and he did not forget that there was an ambuscade of Rebels at Blue's Gap, and that he was to share in the attack on them at daylight: he spurred his horse, as he drew nearer Romney.

Having finished my survey, I went back to the study, and poured myself out a little brandy.

Cover the jar down closely, place it in a saucepan of boiling water over the fire, and bring the brandy to the simmering-point, but do not allow it to boil.

If he is within any reasonable distance, content yourself by putting on the band, sucking the wound, applying the glass, and, if necessary, giving a little brandy-and-water.

Mix all these ingredients together, adding the sugar and nutmeg; beat up the eggs, omitting the whites of three; stir these to the pudding, and when all is well mixed, add the brandy, and put the pudding into a buttered mould; tie down with a cloth, put it into boiling water, and let it boil for 3 hours. Time.3

"Why else should he be gulping t' brandy?

" Lanyard paused to sip his brandy and soda, and, under cover of that, summon ingenuity to the fore; here a little hand-made fabrication was indicated.

"You mention in the letter you wrote first that, if you went into college, you and your chum would want brandy and wine and segars in your room.

He hurried to her side, and forced some more brandy between her lips.

Some one administered brandy and spirits of ammonia.

Arrived at the village, we knocked at the door of a small cottage, the owner of which sold some brandy.

Mr. Britt was ordering brandy and wine for his trembling client.

Once I heard Mrs. Hawthorne say to the clerk, 'Send some brandy to Mr. Hawthorne at once.'

Powell it was who liked his brandy not wisely but too well, and who made such passionate love on the stage that Sir John Vanbrugh used to wax nervous for the fate of the actresses.

He compelled the old preacher to swallow the brandy; and then told him to preach and exhort, for the spirit was in him.

I took some hot brandy and water, and went to bed; but desired, as soon as my clothes were thoroughly dried, to be called up, that I might go forward.

As there were signs that so many white onlookers was not altogether acceptable to the natives, some of the party returned to the ships; but Cook resolved to see it out, and joined the king at supper, and the latter enjoyed some brandy and water so much that Cook says "he went to bed quite grogish.

They secretly distilled palm-brandy and carried on a considerable trade in it; and this also explained to me why the horrors of the road to the Mayo River and to Abuyog had been painted in such warm colors.

"Fetch some brandy," he told the young man, "and keep your mouth shut about this.

They got the brandy through "Billy."

Friend Hopper smiled when Daniel remarked, "I know master Perry loves a little brandy; but I did not like to get brandy; so I bought a quart of Mr. Morris' best wine, and thought perhaps that would do instead.

Then he mixed a little brandy and water in two glasses, broke off a piece of bread, set it before the two men and rang the bell.

"I'm sure you need the brandy, after all this.

This time there was something in the tone of his voice which prompted Hagar to draw near, and she was about to offer him the brandy when Maggie appeared, together with three men bearing a litter.

" "Ah!" says Salmon P. with interest, "you prefer brandy?

59 Verbs to Use for the Word  brandy